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BDS | Sep 28, 2024

Vengeance is mine said God, not Israel’s  – Mia Mottley takes issue with Netanyahu’s indiscriminate bombing of Beirut 

Al Edwards

Al Edwards / Our Today

Reading Time: 5 minutes
Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley of Barbados addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-ninth session, September 27, 2024 (Photo Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe)

Israel has embarked on a sustained bombing attack on Lebanon’s capital Beirut in an effort to rid the world of Hezbollah’s top leaders.

This comes after destroying Gaza and smashing the fight out of Hamas.

Israel has the right to exist and ensure its people are safe, and that its customs and culture thrive in its homeland. The attack and wanton rape and murder perpetrated by Hamas on Israel on October 7th last year should be condemned. 

For thousands of years, the Jewish people have had to endure indignities and subjugation, sent into bondage, and withstand an attempt to wipe them off the face of the earth.

They now feel it is time to defend themselves and wipe out enemies that threaten their existence.

Yesterday, at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu sent a clear message that his country is prepared to light up all its enemies in the Middle East and will not be taking a passive approach. Israel will rain destruction down the likes of which has never been seen in the region.

“My country is at war, fighting for its life. We will fight until we achieve victory, there’s no substitute for it. There is no place in Iran that the long arm of Israel cannot reach and that’s true of the entire Middle East,” he said before the UN’s General Assembly. 

This served as a chilling warning and put the Muslim world on alert. If you attack Israel, Israel will put you on blast and the United States, liberal Hollywood, do-gooders in Europe can’t help you.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel addresses the general debate of the General Assembly’s seventy-ninth session. (Photo Credit: UN Photo/Loey Felipe)

Three hours after Netanyahu’s speech, the skies of Beirut were ablaze, Israel set about taking out Hezbollah with thousands of Lebanese fleeing into Syria, looking to escape another war.

This could be the start of a major war in the Middle East with Israel prepared to go all the way by itself without US assistance if necessary. With the Ukraine war in Europe, and Israel taking on both Hamas and Hezbollah at the same time, the world is at a dangerous place.

Who has the skills and diplomatic ability to avert what potentially could be another World War?

Last year, Netanyahu quoted the First Book of Samuel, where God tells Saul, he must eliminate those who attack Israel. “ This is what the Lord Almighty says. I will punish the Amalekites for what they did to Israel when they waylaid them as they came from Egypt. Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them, put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camel and donkeys.”

Biblical retribution.

The Prime Minister of Barbados, Mia Mottley addressed the UN’s General Assembly yesterday and again displayed why she is the Caribbean’s finest leader, indeed an example for a world gone amok.

She said it was wrong to take that approach and Israel could not decree the destruction of Palestine and Lebanon. The world should not stand by and let this happen.

Mia Mottley in one of her best speeches yet said: “The bible can’t be used as a convenient aid when it suits us and rejected when it doesn’t.

“We need a global reset on peace. There needs to be global peace. Those of us who are old enough recognise there are peaks and valleys as it relates to this assumed conflict. There are few areas where the world is more in need of the United Nations acting as a united nation to secure the objectives of the charter than in the area of peace and security.”

The spread of the war from Gaza to the consequences in the West Bank to now clearly what is happening in Lebanon with Israel. All of these are just the tip of an iceberg of death, violence and instability. This robs the global community of oxygen and resources at the very time we need it most in a strategic way.

“ We all know as students of history that even the longest war comes to an end. These wars now, yes, they too will come to an end but the question is when and at what cost? Innocent people are paying the price with the one thing that is theirs to give, and they don’t give it willingly – it is their life. Unless we address the root cause of these wars, one by one and the manner they are being sustained and financed, we will never know anything else than war in these theatres.

Mottley again returned to the need for peace across the world and the importance of resolving conflicts. The United States said it had no idea that Israel was going to bomb Lebanon and that it acted alone here. We are living in turbulent times with religious fervour and military conquests threatening to destabilise the world.

Referencing the bible, Mottley continued: “ We need peace and it cannot be difficult for us to work for peace. It is the same bible that tells us in the stories of the Old Testament which has guided many people across the world, but when we turn from the Old Testament to the New Testament, it is Romans that says to us,” Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord, not any country or human being.”

“Let us be clear, we condemn the actions of Hamas on October 7th, 2023 but we equally and strongly deplore the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza which is the result of the disproportionate use of force by Israel. There is no justification for it. That is why treaties exist, governing the rules of engagement for war, because we as human beings learn better and know better and we are committed to better.

“A two-state solution, no matter how elusive it appears to be now is the only answer.”

It is now reported that Hezbollah leader, Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah has been killed in the Israeli air strike on Beirut.

Israel has now killed many of Hezbollah’s leaders, taking it and Hamas out of commission within six months. Iran may very well declare war on Israel, leading to a regional confrontation that pits Muslims against Jews. 

Then again Iran may be deterred after seeing what it is up against.


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