CARIB | Jun 20, 2023

CXC monitoring passage of Tropical storm Bret

/ Our Today

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The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®) says it is monitoring Tropical Storm Bret as it approaches the region and examinations will continue as normal for countries whose Government have not ordered a cancellation of exams.

“We urge all stakeholders to follow the safety directives provided by each government. CXC® is in dialogue with ministries of education across the region as it relates to the examinations which may be affected in their country,” they wrote in a release.

The Council added that the safety and well-being of all stakeholders is paramount and they are urging everyone to stay safe during this time.

An updated statement from the Council is expected to follow pending the arrival of more information.

RELATED ‘Naked’ Bret no longer to hit hurricane strength -NHC


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