With Father’s Day just around the corner, Saidah Denniser, founder of Date Night Jm, is spreading the message that flowers are a gift for anyone and that men deserve flowers just as much as women do.
It is a common belief that men only receive flowers at their funerals. However, flowers traditionally associated with gestures of affection, are increasingly embraced as meaningful gifts for men, challenging societal norms and promoting inclusivity in expressions of beauty and appreciation.
While speaking with Our Today, Denniser shared that she advocates for this change and believes that flowers can make men feel appreciated.
“That whole scenario about men getting flowers at their funeral is so sad because they are not appreciated. We need to give them their compliments and their props when they are here. Give men their flowers while they are here. When we give them flowers while they are dead, they cannot appreciate it, and they won’t know that this person cared,” she said.
She added that a big bouquet might be too much for men, but smaller bouquets should do the trick. Additionally, she recommends that alcohol or cologne be given with the flowers.
Staying true to her belief, Denniser shared that Date Night Jm is having a Father’s Day special where they will offer small blue bouquets that family members can get for the men who have played a father role in their life. The arrangements will be paired with the customer’s liquor of choice.
The Father’s Day special will start this weekend, and orders can be placed through the company’s Instagram page @datenight.jm.
Date Night Jm blossomed to life in 2018 while Denniser was in her second year of university. She shared that as a hopeless romantic, she always enjoyed receiving flowers and thought it was a great idea to share the joy she often felt receiving a bouquet with others.
“I am a hopeless romantic, and I love to see when people put effort into anything they’re doing. I like to see men or anyone going on a date have some flowers because it is a beautiful experience. Everybody is getting dressed up, they are excited to go on the date, and I think the roses would enhance that mood,” she told Our Today.
But, the business is not just about flowers, it is also about sending a message of love and appreciation at every occasion and all levels.
Denniser shared that flowers can also be a gift for a friend having a bad day or even a family member.
In recognition of mental health awareness month, the business had a special that allowed anyone to show their loved ones that they are appreciated.
“Life is hard, and it’s good when someone takes the time to get you flowers. The thought behind getting flowers is really what Date Night is about. It’s not just about getting the flowers because we know flowers will die. But the fact that you thought of someone to get some flowers, to get them a note with the flowers, if you go so far, is a nice feeling. It shows that you care about that person, whether it is romantic or platonic.”
The young entrepreneur hopes to soon expand her business to parishes across the island so that she can continue to spread a message of love and acts of appreciation, one bouquet at a time.