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JAM | Feb 5, 2024

Donovan Walker | Statement by the OCCBA on the passing of the Hon. Justice Dennis Morrison

/ Our Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes
The late Hon. Justice C. Dennis Morrison, O.J., C.D., J.A. (Ret’d).

The Organization of Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations (OCCBA) mourns the passing of The Hon. Justice C. Dennis Morrison, O.J., C.D., J.A. (Ret’d).

Tributes to Justice Morrison continue to pour in from leaders at the various Commonwealth Caribbean Bars and the Judiciary, all making clear that the positive legacy of C. Dennis Morrison in our region is unanimously regarded as deep, rich, and lasting. Thousands of Caribbean Attorneys-at-Law are grateful to have benefitted from his lectures in the Law of Evidence or his CLE seminars and lectures. We collectively are better for his masterful legal pedagogy and his calm and clear delivery on various legal topics. We recall his impeccable, ethical and brilliant advocacy during his practice at the bar. Later, his time on the bench of various Caribbean Appellate Courts including Jamaica (as President), the Turks and Caicos Islands (as President), Belize and the Cayman Islands produced for our legal jurisprudence precedent-making, reasoned and clear judgments. 

The late Hon. Justice C. Dennis Morrison, O.J., C.D., J.A. (Ret’d) (right) with his wife Janet Morrison (left), partner at Hart Muirhead Fatta.

We recall with lasting gratitude that C. Dennis Morrison served the Commonwealth Caribbean not only as a Vice-President of OCCBA, but also as Chairman of the Council of Legal Education and as a member of the Regional Judicial and Legal Services Commission. He served with distinction as the President of the Jamaican Bar Association as well as a Lecturer in the Law of Evidence at the Norman Manley Law School. 

He has served the Commonwealth Caribbean Bar faithfully and well and we shall collectively remain grateful for his lasting contributions. 

Despite the above important achievements those who interacted with him relished his humanity, humility, his kind patient approach and his charming humour. His disposition was never aloof or lofty. He was approachable, polite and genuinely cared about his colleagues and our Caribbean homeland. He cared deeply about the legal profession and those of us who practised the law. In turn, we can attest that those practising in the Commonwealth Caribbean legal profession cared deeply for C. Dennis Morrison and hold him in the highest esteem, regard and respect. 

For all this, and so much more, we are delighted to recall that on January 28th, 2023, OCCBA presented to C. Dennis Morrison the OCCBA Distinguished Service Award for his sterling contributions to the legal profession and to OCCBA. We are grateful for and enriched by him – such is the measure of the man, C. Dennis Morrison.

Donovan Walker, Attorney-at-Law and Presdident of the Organization of the Commonwealth Caribbean Bar Associations

We extend our condolences to his wife, Janet and members of their family, including the sons, daughters, grandchildren, sisters and other family members of the Morrison family. 

On behalf of OCCBA, and the 16 jurisdictions that comprise OCCBA, specifically Anguilla, Antigua & Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands,  Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Trinidad & Tobago, and the Turks & Caicos Islands, we salute Justice C. Dennis Morrison as a leader at the Caribbean bench and bar. He has left a lasting legacy on the rule of Law in the Commonwealth Caribbean as a jurist, lecturer, judge, Attorney-at-Law and just simply as a genuine, decent, down-to-earth and compassionate man. 

May Justice C. Dennis Morrison Rest in Peace and may light eternal shine on him. 

Donovan Walker is an Attorney-at-Law called to the Bar in Jamaica, a partner at Hart Muirhead Fatta, and the President of the OCCBA.


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