JAM | Jan 23, 2025

Dr Chris Tufton launches ‘Wild Flavours’ book at UWI campus 

Al Edwards

Al Edwards / Our Today

Reading Time: 4 minutes
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)

By Al Edwards 

Minister of Health and Wellness Dr Christopher Tufton launched his book ‘Wild Flavours: An Insider Account of Jamaica’s Journey Through The Crisis of the COVID-19 Pandemic‘ at the UWI Undercroft in St Andrew on Tuesday evening (January 21).

 The book recounts a testing time for Jamaica, the world and Tufton’s ministry.

Dr. Tufton acquitted himself well and his stock has further risen, showing his mettle during one of Jamaica’s most serious crises, one which impacted the welfare of its citizens.

During the book launch ceremony, many dignitaries and state officials heaped praise on the minister for his management at this perilous time.

Speaking at the launch of ‘Wild Flavours‘ which has shot up the Amazon book charts, Tufton said: “ To my mind, because of the moment in history and where I was situated at that point in time, I felt with all my conviction it was a necessary narrative to put together. I want to thank those who encouraged it and those who supported it.

“One of the things that characterised that time was the way the chief medical officer, the permanent secretary and myself drew on our relationship and the respect we had for each other.

“Public health involves a lot of statistics and data-driven decision-making processes. I want to put on the record my appreciation to all those who played a role in the management of the COVID crisis.

“The information in the book was captured in real-time. I would like to thank Dr Diana Thorburn who worked with me as an adviser and was an important guide in capturing the thoughts that went into the book. I burdened her with listening to those thoughts. She was practically my therapist at that time!

“We kept a diary of what was happening so the conversations and description of what was taking place, the struggles, the challenges, the triumphs were happening while we were talking about them and we recorded them.

“I want to thank the prime minister and the Cabinet who gave me the opportunity to provide the leadership at that momentous time for our country. There were times I had to seek protection and cover from the honourable prime minister.  He saw to it that public health concerns were prioritised over other concerns though later on the balance had to be struck. It was all about the greater good.”

Tufton went on to add that the book is justified on the basis that it was an unprecedented time not just for Jamaica but globally. It was unprecedented not just because of the health risk but also the business, the economic impact and every sphere one can think of.

The health minister continued: “None of us have existed in a time when every single conscious human being on the planet felt at some point – whatever their socio-economic status or nationality –  that COVID could take them out. Even the non-believers of the virus felt vulnerable. I don’t think there has been any other event in the last one hundred years, that generated that level of uncertainty and created that scenario among humanity. We felt it necessary to record it. I felt that the book should be very simple, easy to read with short chapters. Anybody can take up the book and read it.

“Our mission was to make it a project for the people, and for those yet to come.”

Wild Flavours‘ was launched on Tufton’s birthday and he held a party right after the book launch at Mona Visitor’s Lodge. It was a pretty good one, nice vibe.

Happy birthday Chris, and congratulations on the book.

Our Today’s Llewellyn Wynter brings you these photos:

(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
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(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)
(OUR TODAY photo/Llewellyn Wynter)


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