JAM | Jun 28, 2023

ECHE Limited inks deal with Amalgamated Security Services

/ Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Dr. Michael Aboud & Lititia Myers Gray (Photo: Contributed)

Lititia Myers Gray, chief executive of cash management and digital payments firm, ECHE Limited, is announcing a partnership pivot from its original majority shareholder to regional security company Amalgamated Security Services Limited.

“This was a necessary and strategic move to fortify ECHE with a partner that can bring dynamic security resources to Jamaica at a time when the industry requires disruption to stymie our current challenges,” stated Myers Gray. 

The ECHE boss was no doubt referring to the recent spike in criminal activity surrounding cash movement services that have been impacting financial services islandwide.

Amalgamated, headed by executive chairman Dr. Michael Aboud, is a regional security stalwart headquartered in Trinidad & Tobago. It boasts 25 locations throughout the Caribbean including Barbados, Grenada, St. Lucia, Guyana, Antigua, and St. Vincent.

Aboud will also serve as the newly appointed chairman of ECHE.

(Photo: Contributed)

Speaking on Almagamated’s first foray in Jamaica via ECHE, Dr. Aboud remarked: “We have always looked to the Jamaican market as one rife with opportunities, in spite of the challenges created by some elements. We are excited to be in partnership with Lititia, who is a standard bearer for her industry. We believe in her bold vision for elevating cash management and financial technology solutions as well as her vision for her country. We’re happy to join the team.”

“ECHE was formed in response to what has been identified as a gap in our financial security offerings. Our industry is in need of diversity in options, innovative security solutions, viable competition and disruption of the status quo. This is necessary for us to stand credibly amongst our regional counterparts and restore confidence in our ability to secure what matters to our clients and the Jamaican people. I am confident that we will achieve this, together,” Myers Gray concluded.


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