JAM | Feb 14, 2023

Jamaican Government to renovate third shelter for victims of gender-based violence

Tamoy Ashman

Tamoy Ashman / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Governor General Sir Patrick Allen.

In an effort to create more safe spaces for victims of gender-based violence, the Government is to renovate a third national shelter for survivors of abuse.

Governor General Sir Patrick Allen made the announcement today (February 14) as he delivered the Throne Speech during the ceremonial opening of Parliament, noting that “the Government continues to focus on addressing gender-base violence”.

The announcement comes amid reports that a 20-year-old student of the University of the West Indies (UWI) recently held his girlfriend against her will and tortured her for three days in his dormr oom at the Mona campus. Reports are that the young woman was burnt with a clothing iron on various parts of her body.

Governor General Sir Patrick Allen on gender-based violence. (Video: Twitter @JISNews)

When the news broke, students from the university became angered by the institution’s handling of the matter, particularly in relation to informing students at the dorm, and called for more to be done to protect students.

According to some, it has long been an open secret that The UWI has a history of gender-based violence plaguing the campus.

In his remarks, Sir Patrick said the new space will be retrofitted to become a confidential and fully operational by December 2023.

Additionally, drafting instructions have been issue for further amendments to be made to the Domestic Violence Act, based on inputs from the Ministry of National Security.

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