| Feb 28, 2022

Health benefits of Jamaica-found fruits: Jackfruit

Ategie Edwards

Ategie Edwards / Our Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Juicy jackfruit hanging on a tree in Thailand. (Photo: The Today Show)

The tropical climate of Jamaica makes it ideal for a plethora of fruits to thrive on the island. These include fruits such as the Otaheite apple, papaya, banana and orange, which can all be found across Jamaica.

Not only are these fruits quite tasty and enjoyed by most, but they also provide a number of health benefits. This, is one in Our Today‘s series where we explore the health benefits that Jamaica-found fruits are able to provide, and, for today, the focus is on Jackfruit.

Jackfruit, an exotic tropical plant, is native to South India. Other than on the island, Jackfruit can also be found in Florida, Brazil, Australia and Puerto Rico.

Beloved by many Jamaicans, the sweet and fleshy fruit is the largest fruit tree in the world, growing up to 20 meters tall.

Health benefits

(Photo: HealthShots)

Insomnia curer

Some sleeping disorders can be cured by the fruit due to its richness in magnesium and iron, which is known to improve the overall quality of sleep. In addition to this, consuming jackfruit helps with preventing anaemia, a major causes for insomnia.

High in antioxidants

Carotenoids, a substance which gives the jackfruit its colour, aids in protecting the body’s cells from damage and also helps with ensuring that the body functions as it should.

Carotenoids have been known to prevent diseases such as cancer or heart disease and eye problems including cataract and macular degeneration (a degenerative condition affecting the central part of the retina and resulting in distortion or loss of central vision).

Helps with constipation

The jackfruit is a good source of fibre, a dietary material that assists in regular bowel movement. The fibre found in the fruit also can also cause you feel fuller for longer periods.

(Photo: Health Cleveland Clinic)

May prevent ulcers

An ulcer is an an open sore on an external or internal surface of the body, caused by a break in the skin or mucous membrane which fails to heal. The anti-ulcerative properties found in jackfruit not only help to prevent the onset of the sore but can also cure existent ones.

Lowers risk for high blood pressure

The potassium found in this tropical fruit is also able to lower one’s blood pressure. Potassium is known to relax the walls of the blood vessels, lowering high hypertension levels and and protecting against muscle cramping.

Studies have also shown a connection between low potassium intake, increased blood pressure and a higher risk of stroke.

Improves skin condition

High amounts of Vitamin C found in the fruit is able to improve the skin. Vitamin C promotes collagen production, which can thicken the dermis and get rid of fine lines on the skin, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


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