| Apr 11, 2022

Health benefits of Jamaica-found fruits: Lime

Ategie Edwards

Ategie Edwards / Our Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes
(Photo: Gardening Know How)

The tropical climate of Jamaica makes it ideal for a plethora of fruits to thrive on the island. These include fruits such as the papaya, guinep, banana and orange, which can all be found across Jamaica.

Not only are these fruits quite tasty and enjoyed by most, but they also provide a number of health benefits. This is one in Our Today‘s series where we explore the health benefits that Jamaica-found fruits are able to provide, and, for today, the focus is on the lime.

Said to have originated in Asia or the Indonesian archipelago, this citrus was brought to the West by explorer Christopher Columbus on his second voyage.

The sour and green/yellow coloured fruit is used for a variety of reasons including cleaning raw meat and making juice. Lime is also had with water and alcohol, popular for ameliorating the taste of the latter.

Health Benefits

(Photo: Speciality Produce)

Increases iron absorption

Foods rich in Vitamin C, such as lime, are able to aid in the prevention of anaemia as they improve the absorption of iron from plant-based foods.

Iron, which is essential for the making of red blood cells and transporting oxygen around the body, if lacking, can result in anaemia.

Prevents kidney stones

Citrus fruits are known for their ability to fend off kidney stones. This is due to the natural citric acid found in the fruit, which binds the excess calcium and flushes it out of one’s system, making it difficult for calcium build-up to take place.

(Photo: Medical News Today)

Reduces Inflammation

The lime contains certain antioxidants which can also help to protect one against certain infections and has also been known to prevent chronic illnesses.

In addition to this, the antioxidants are able to prevent the onset of free radicals which can cause diseases such as heart disease, hypertension and certain types of cancers.

Helps Infections

The Vitamin C found in the fruit can help to either prevent or speed up the body’s healing process.

(Photo: Produce Converter)

Manages diabetes

Citrus foods are considered superfoods for diabetes, and the lime is no exception. The soluble fibre found in limes help the body better absorb sugar, reducing the occurrence of blood sugar spikes.

Treats respiratory diseases

The flavanoid oil extracted from limes is used in anti-congestive medicines such as balms, vapourisers and inhalers due to the presence of kaempferol.

Scratching the peel and inhaling it provides immediate relief from nausea and congestion.


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