JAM | Sep 10, 2024

Holness announces disaster risk management review committee led by Major General Anthony Anderson

Vanassa McKenzie

Vanassa McKenzie / Our Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes
Prime Minister Andrew Holness (YouTube screen grab: JIS)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has announced the establishment of a disaster risk management review committee (DRMRC) to analyse the country’s disaster risk management processes.

The DRMRC will be led by former Commissioner of Police Major General Anthony Anderson. Members of the committee include Parris Lyew-Ayee, Jonathan Grant, and Trudy Deans.

Holness made the announcement at a post-Cabinet press briefing on Tuesday, September 10, where he also shared that the committee is particularly important in ensuring a pathway of resilience as the country navigates the increasing challenges posed by natural and man-made disasters.

“In recent years, the intensity and frequency of such events have grown. For Jamaica, this means that we must stand ready to respond swiftly and effectively to safeguard lives and livelihoods and our critical infrastructure. The most recent reminder of our vulnerability came with Hurricane Beryl in July 2024. Beryl caused significant damage across parishes, affecting thousands of households and leaving many Jamaicans without shelter, water, electricity, and now a days a human right — internet connectivity totaling, I am sure, over $10 billion in damage,” Holness noted.

Flattened banana plants in St Elizabeth indicate the devastating effect Hurricane Beryl dealt to Jamaica’s agricultural sector on July 3, 2024. (Photo: JIS)

He added that Hurricane Beryl highlighted the urgent need to enhance the country’s resilience.

“Though we recovered quickly from the last natural disaster, we don’t know what tomorrow will bring and whether or not the impact will be worse. We cannot wait for the next disaster to catch up on our preparedness. In response to these challenges of what I describe as high-frequency, high-intensity, and sometimes overlapping disaster crises, the Government established the disaster risk management review committee (DRMRC). This committee is tasked with strengthening Jamaica’s preparedness for disasters and ensuring that we are ready to meet future crises head-on,” Holness stressed.

The DRMRC will focus on critical areas such as infrastructure resilience, essential services like water, electricity, telecommunications, medical services, and community preparedness. It is mandated to assess vulnerabilities in critical infrastructure [water, electricity, telecommunications, and transportation] and services to ensure they remain operational during disasters.

Former Commissioner of Police Major General Anthony Anderson is set to lead Jamaica’s disaster risk management review committee. (Photo: JCF)

The DRMRC will also evaluate emergency services to ensure they are equipped to respond quickly and efficiently to crises, likewise providing recommendations for improving national and local disaster risk response frameworks, thus ensuring better coordination between agencies.

“The work of the DRMRC is not about addressing the immediate risks posed by the disasters but about building a culture of resilience in Jamaica that prepares us for the future. The ultimate goal is to ensure that our infrastructure services and communities are equipped to handle any challenge, ensuring the continued safety and wellbeing of Jamaicans and indeed the continuity of Government in the face of any serious natural disaster challenge,” Holness added.


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