JAM | Jun 7, 2021

Holness calls for international community to bridge gaps in implementation of SDGs, accelerate climate action

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Prime Minister Andrew Holness. (Photo taken from video, Facebook @AndrewHolnessJM)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness is calling for the international community to assist the region in bridging gaps within the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as small developing nations recover from COVID-19.

Speaking recently at the virtual P4G Summit hosted by the Government of the Republic of Korea, Holness indicated several areas within the SDGs that require attention. He noted that recovery for Jamaica, in particular, includes resilience which is linked to categories in the SDGs and the climate change agenda.

On the subject of an accelerated approach to the climate change agenda, Holness stated that financial resources must be “scaled up and access simplified”.

Said the prime minister: “New categories must be established for access to concessional and non-concessional development finance based on vulnerability measures rather than per capita income.”

“Today we have a unique opportunity to generate an inclusive, resilient and green recovery, that ensures a broad and lasting rise in prosperity, especially for the poorest, most marginalised, highly indebted and vulnerable.”

Prime Minister Andrew Holness

He further noted that there should be more resources dedicated to adaptation in recognition of the vulnerability of countries which are low emitters, and access to appropriate technology, especially for early warning systems, research and development, digitization and modernisation should be assured.

In this regard, Holness said that now was the time to implement an inclusive approach that is beneficial to all.

“Today we have a unique opportunity to generate an inclusive, resilient and green recovery, that ensures a broad and lasting rise in prosperity, especially for the poorest, most marginalised, highly indebted and vulnerable. It is an opportunity we cannot afford to miss”, said Holness.

In the meantime, the prime minister also used the opportunity to reiterate calls for equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines. He said with small developing nations within the region making every effort to recover from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was imperative that each nation had access to vaccines for a faster recovery.


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