JAM | Oct 15, 2024

How often should you have Sex? Jamaicans give their take



Reading Time: 4 minutes

When it comes to how often people should have sex, there’s no universal answer, but scientific research offers some intriguing insights.

For starters, couples who have sex once a week tend to report higher levels of happiness and satisfaction in their relationships, according to a study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science. Surprisingly, having sex more than once a week doesn’t significantly increase happiness—so no need to feel pressured to break any records!

But what’s “normal” can vary widely based on age. A 2020 study examined sexual frequency across different age groups, surveying 9,504 people. Here’s what they found:

  • 18 to 24 years: 37 per cent of men and 52 per cent of women reported having sex weekly or more.
  • 25 to 34 years: 50 per cent of men and 54 per cent of women had sex weekly or more.
  • 35 to 44 years: 50 per cent of men and 53 per cent of women had sex weekly or more.

As you can see, there’s a pretty consistent trend across age groups, with around half of people in their mid-twenties to early forties having sex at least once a week.

Of course, frequency alone doesn’t tell the full story. Most studies I have read agree that quality matters more than quantity when it comes to sexual satisfaction. Emotional connection, intimacy, and mutual enjoyment are what count.

Jamaicans give their take:

Question: How often do you have sex per week? And is the current frequency enough for you?

“Ok, when I am comfortable financially I would have sex at least four times a week. Sometimes all week or every time I look at my partner,” James, age 40 said. “But when my mind is on how to make money, sex is the last thing on my mind.”

Jaheem, 32, said: “So for me, I would have sex every day, but realistically three times for the week good fi mi though. Mi honestly wouldn’t mind waking up with it and going to my bed with it, god know!”

Ramone, 31, said: “Currently, I have sex once a month on a bad month and at least twice a week pon a good month. Mi woulda want it every day still.”


“For me three times a week is enough,” said Delroy, age 35. “I don’t think you need to do it every night. I think both parties should give themselves some time to miss each other to make it more exciting.”

“Right now, getting my likkle ‘nooki’ is like a gift, only on birthdays, Christmas and other special occasions or when I feel like it,” said Kelly-Ann, age 31.

“On average, I have sex three times per week,” said Kevin, age 32. “Not saying I wouldn’t want the number to go up but three is a sweet spot to get it in, while still getting things done, because you have to have balance.”

“I feel like my perspective on this is skewed, cause in my last serious relationship it was very close to every day, sometimes multiple times a day,” said Raj, age 28. “The concern was how much would the soreness between the both of us allow for the day. But my expectation would be at least three times a week give or take.”

“Twice a week is ideal,” said Debby, age 27. “Sex can’t be enough when you have somebody who actually makes sex feel enjoyable as it should, so I won’t put a number on what I would want for the week.”


“Ideally I would want to have sex three to four times a week, but right now it’s at maybe once or twice,” said Bernice, 29. “But, I work long hours and so does he. We tend to enjoy each other company in other ways that are less physically taxing on most days—intimacy goes beyond sex for me. I am happy with the state of things, though I wouldn’t mind an additional day.”

“I would like to have sex three times per week and no it is not enough now,” said Derrick, age 46. “At least one of the three would have to be with my wife.”

It seems that if everyone had their way, they would have sex every day, but three times a week seems to be the sweet spot for most respondents. My consensus is whether you’re having sex once a week or less often, the key is ensuring both partners feel happy and fulfilled. In short, there’s no magic number—just do what works for you and your relationship!


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