| Jun 29, 2024

Integrity Commission submits 2023 annual report to Ministry of Justice

/ Our Today

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The headquarters of Jamaica’s Ministry of Justice along Constant Spring Road in St Andrew. (Photo: CJ Mo for

The Integrity Commission is advising that it has transmitted to Justice Minister Delroy Chuck, its annual report for the 2023 calendar year, in compliance with the requirements of the 2011 Protected Disclosures Act.

The report has been submitted by the Integrity Commission in its capacity as the designated authority for the administration of the Protected Disclosures Act.

The report was hand-delivered to the Justice Ministry and signed for as having been received at 9:25 am on June 28, which was earlier transmitted via electronic mail at 8:01 am.

The commission says it has discharged its responsibility to submit the report to Chuck before the prescribed June 30 statutory deadline, and it would now left to the minister to ensure that a copy of the report is tabled in the Houses of Parliament as soon as possible.

Once the report is tabled, it will be published on the commission’s website.


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