Sport & Entertainment
JAM | Sep 27, 2024

ISSA place Dinthill Technical on 3-year probation, banned two players for one year

Howard Walker

Howard Walker / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Dinthill Technical High School logo

The InterSecondary Schools Sports Association (ISSA) has placed Dinthill Technical High School on a three-year probation and banned two players for one year after a referee was attacked at a game.

Last Saturday, a viral video started circulating of the ugly incident at the end of the Dinthill Technical versus McGrath High match where Dinthill players attacked the referee.

The ISSA Disciplinary Committee met on Thursday, September 26, and investigated the incident involving Dinthill Technical players Tyrese Gowe, Shamair Hutchinson and Maalick Whyte then disclosed its decision.

“Dinthill Technical is placed on a three (3) year probation and therefore may be suspended from participating in ISSA competitions if there are any further breaches of our disciplinary code of conduct within the period of probation,” a statement from ISSA said.

Maalick Whyte and Shamair Hutchinson were banned for a year from participating in any ISSA competition effective September 26, 2024.

The third player, Tyrese Gowe was suspended for three daCosta Cup matches with effect from September 26, 2024.

“The Inter-Secondary Schools Sports Association reminds all its various stakeholders that we are committed to ensuring that all our student-athletes display the requisite decorum befitting their status as ambassadors of our schools and the various competitions in which they compete. We strongly condemn any acts of indiscipline and more so acts of physical aggression and or assault on any match official,” it concluded.

ISSA’s disciplinary action follows Dinthill’s disciplining of the boys on Tuesday, September 24.

Principal Anthony Garwood, a former FIFA assistant referee, banned Whyte, who he said shoved the referee, from playing for the season. He was also suspended from school for five days.

Hutchinson was suspended from school for three days for his gross misconduct on the field of play after the game. Bryan was also suspended for three days for gross misconduct and was referred to counselling session after returning from suspension.

In a letter addressed to the Dinthill staff members on Monday, September 23, Garwood also referred Whyte, Shamair Hutchinson and Tirafah Bryan to the Dispute Resolution Foundation.

Gowe was not punished by the school.


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