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JAM | Feb 3, 2025

Jamaica is moving in the right direction and the trend must continue—Senator Abka Fitz Henley

/ Our Today

Reading Time: 22 minutes
Senator Abka Fitz Henley speaking in the Senate on Friday, January 31, 2025.

Senator Abka Fitz-Henley made his State of the Nation address in the Senate on Friday, outlining the accomplishments and achievements of the Andrew Holness administration

Below is his full presentation: 

I begin by thanking the great architect of the universe, almighty God for exercising his awesome powers in such a way that has made available to us grace, guidance and sustenance.

I acknowledge as well my family for allowing me the time to give of myself to the political arena and my entire staff who support my work daily. 

The confidence invested in me by the Dr. Most Honourable Andrew Holness to serve as a lawmaker and in the executive via his Office, the Office of Prime Minister is not something I ever take for granted Sir. 

At the core of all I do is a recognition that being appointed to office presents an opportunity to take actions which enumerate to the best interest of the people of Jamaica land we love.

President, I thank you Sir for your expert and fair superintendence of the affairs this chamber and I extend greetings as well to all my colleagues in the Upper House, in particular our Senate Leader, the Honourable Kamina Johnson Smith whose steady and effective leadership is very appreciated.

I wish to indicate as well that the daily quality efforts of the staff at Parliament, led Ms. Colleen Lowe, is very much recognized. 


Senator Abka Fitz Henley speaking in the Senate on Friday, January 31, 2025.

I have the honour of addressing the 2024/2025 State of the Nation Debate a juncture that is important to the future of our country.

·      This address comes at a time when the Government is moving to pursue the goal of making our country into a republic. I fully support this move. I am aware that to be successful this move will need the support of the Opposition via the parliament. On that point, I wish to point out that I strongly believe that reformation of our constitutional arrangement is best pursued on a phased basis, simply because the issues are often so weighty, there is greater chance of success when we do it in phases. There is nothing pejorative or unprincipled about such an approach.

·      Therefore, the stance of the Opposition Leader, that the Opposition will not support a bill to depose of the UK-based monarchy as head of state if the issue of Jamaica’s final court is not settled at the same time is unfortunate and unproductive.  Equally puerile and unfortunate is the move by the Opposition to no longer attend upon meetings of the CRC Joint Select Committee.

·      There is a view that the majority does not care about who is our head of state. I don’t think so, I think there is a critical cohort of the population that cares about our identity as a people. And therefore – in this a year of crucial decision, I encourage the people of Jamaica to take careful note that it appears likely that the stance taken by the Opposition Leader, an individual who not too long ago said he had pray and agonize about whether he wanted to give up his own personal allegiance to the UK, that his stance is further delaying our national goal, the process of having a Jamaican as Head of State. I urge the people to ensure that the Opposition Leader, who not too long ago was a subject of King Charles and has said he is no longer so but supplied no evidence to support that claim, that he and the political entity he leads, face the political consequence for their unfortunate stance which has delayed a process which I believe is key to our identity as a country.  

·      You’d never be able to tell based on the doom and gloom painted by the Opposition Senate Leader last week, but we address this State of the Nation debate at a time when business and consumer confidence are on the increase and the rate of poverty which was at approximately 20-per cent when we came to office is expected to decline to near 12 per cent when the next evaluation is published. Much to be done but it clear Sir that the intentional policies of the administration of Prime Minister Andrew Holness to ease the burden on the poor are working. 

Senator Abka Fitz Henley speaking in the Senate on Friday, January 31, 2025.

·      This address also comes at a time many countries across the world are grappling with spiralling inflation which touches and concern cost of living. But Government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness we have been able to keep the inflation rate within the recommended band of between 4 and 6 per cent. There is no doubt that as far as inflation is concerned, Jamaica under this administration is making steady gains

·      This State of the Nation also address comes at time sir when many of our prominent regional partners, who have more natural resources available than us, are facing a double-digit increase in murders, but thankfully, via deliberate and intentional policies put in place by the Government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness,  coupled with the hard work of the security forces, during the year 2024 murders are down 19 per cent and violent crimes, have decreased by 14 per cent. Much work to be done but as far as the crime fight is concerned, it is important to note that steady gains are being made.

·      As we contemplate the state of any nation, opportunities made available for Jamaican people to earn for themselves is a barometer that cannot be ignored. While we are taking steps to increase the purchasing power of Jamaicans to a larger degree, it is no small feet that under this administration unemployment is at a record low below well 4 per cent, coming from a high of 13.5 per cent when the PNP administration was in office. Put simply, more people have job, more people have the opportunity put bread on their table under the Government of Andrew Holness than at any time in Jamaican’s history.

I say to my fellow Jamaicans, I know there are challenges Sir, which are being addressed but I genuinely believe that when we assess the key indicators which tell us how a society is doing (crime, inflation, employment levels among others) – there is no doubt Jamaica is moving in the right direction and it is important that this trend continues because the trend continuing means, even if things have not yet personally become easier for everybody, eventually your lives will be positively impacted by the current trajectory where we have a stable economy assisted by good policies and a Government that is fiercely committed to ensuring that as many people as possible benefit.


I wish to make a few comments on the matter national security. And I am sure all will agree with me, even though, some of our famed philosophers including Karl Marx and Emile Durkheim were ad idem that deviance is necessary in society, the fact of the matter is  1 life lost to violent crime is one too many and over 1-thousand murders in a calendar year is way too many. There is no debating that. As a society we can agree on that. 

I can certainly recall when Jamaica in the year 1997 under the PNP administration of Percival Patterson for the first time breached the dreaded 1-thousand mark in terms of people murdered per calendar year.

But that said we must acknowledge gains made, especially in a context where we have had a high crime rate for decades.

That said I wish to commend National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang and Police Commissioner Dr. Kevin Blake and the men and women of the JCF and the JDF on the double-digit decline in murders and violent crime. 

I am confident that given the heavy and intentional investment that the Prime Minister and Dr. Chang have been particular in making in national security, including in the area of protecting our border, building the intelligence capabilities of the security forces and upgrading the infrastructure and technology which the police are working with – that Jamaica has a good shot, (no pun intended) at the significant decline in murders, this year.  It is important that all stakeholders assist the Police and the administration in securing this important objective.


Move to Question Police Statistics and Discredit GoJ

Concerning the crime fight, I have been disappointed with comments coming from the Opposition and in particular the Opposition Spokesman on National Security who has moved to suggest that –

1.    That the policymakers deserve no real credit for the reduction in murders 

2.    And that the statistics which show a decline may be inaccurate or at a minimum might not be reliable.

Police personnel and a soldier, both attached to the Joint Anti-Gang Task Force (JAGTF)—which comprises the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and Jamaica Defence Force (JDF)—conduct manned patrol operations in an undisclosed location in Jamaica on March 21, 2022. (Photo: Facebook @JamaicaConstabularyForce)

That posture by the Opposition Spokesman is not appropriate, it is shameful and unbecoming. Imagine President, the information is available to all who desire to know. The JCF’s method of tallying crime statistics has not changed. Same method used now, is what was used when murders increased from approximately 400 in 1989 to over 1,670 under the PNP administration of Percival Patterson, same method used to tabulate murders when under the Opposition Spokesman’s tenure there was a cumulative 6 percent increase, it is the very same method used now that murders are down by 19 per cent.

To now question that process of tabulation when murders are down by 20 per cent under this administration is hypocritical and to show wanton disregard for the hard work of the men and women of the Jamaica Constabulary Force. I say to the Opposition Spokesman and I am going to caution him to his face – do not allow what appears to be his thirst for political power to allow him to advance diabolical and hypocritical arguments which might be viewed as an open diss the efforts and integrity of the men and women of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

And the move by the Opposition Spokesman and his surrogates to call into question and discredit the decline in murders and how crime statistics are tabulated is of greater embarrassment to them, when you consider that the comments have come from Opposition Spokesman who when he was Security Minister and murders spiralled, appeared to be on the verge of weeping, begged for divine intervention and said despite the best efforts of the administration of which he was apart, the gains were low and slow.

I say to the people of Jamaica, much more to be done. This Government has begun to obtain positive outcomes in moving to create a safer society, we should remember their past and reject efforts by the Opposition to get us to go back to the weak leadership that they offered when they had the opportunity to lead this country. 

They were weak and indecisive and when the lives of Jamaicans were plundered they sobbed and begged and sent an unfortunate message to criminal elements. We cannot afford to go back to such weak, jelly-back leadership as far as the crime fight is concerned.

Move to discredit SOE

Despite the statistics suggesting that in the vast majority of communities where a State of Public Emergency has been declared there has been a reduction in murders and violent crime in the ensuing weeks and Jamaicans who actually live in these areas welcome the sense of security which it brings to their community, the Opposition Spokesman has also been heard in the public domain on a campaign suggesting that States of Public Emergencies do not work.

His comments Sir are disingenuous and should be believed. The Opposition Spokesman should understand that while he is entitled to his own opinion, he is not entitled to his own facts and the days where politicians get away with talking off the top of our heads and misleading the people of Jamaica are at an end. Misinformation will be called out for what it is. States of Public Emergencies have contributed to declines in murders in the vast majority of areas where they have been declared.

But you know if I should give the Opposition Spokesman credit, he has been consistent. Consistent in his folly because I recall when under his watch in St. James murders spiralled. It was open season on St. James. A series of savage murders and open trading of gunshots between criminal elements in the town square and surrounding areas and in my capacity as a media practitioner then, I enquired about the possibility of a SOE and the then Security Minister dismissed it.

Suffice to say this administration came to office and had balls to put in place the measure and we saw an immediate decline in the number of people murdered in the Division. 200 fewer compared to a year when States of Public Emergency were not used.

In this a year of important decision-making, I invite the people of Jamaica to recognize that a fundamental difference between this administration and the Opposition is we are prepared, we have the guts to lawfully utilize all the tools in the box of crime-fighting laws in order to one simple but highly important objective, to save Jamaican lives, the preserve the ultimate constitutional right of Jamaicans – the right to life.


–       1972 when Manley came to power, he inherited a year when 145 Jamaicans were killed in the former calendar year. When he left power, 889 Jamaicans killed in his final year in office, a massive 449 per cent increase

–       JLP admin came to office, and inherited a calendar year where 889 Jamaicans were killed, left it at 414 in 1989, a massive 58 reduction in murders.

–       PNP came to office and between 1989 and 2007, in their final calendar year 1,584 Jamaicans killed, a massive 238 per cent increase and during their term Jamaica was declared the murder capital of the world because 1,674 killed during a calendar year.

–       JLP back in office having inherited murder rate of 1,584 left it at 1,130, a decline of 29 per cent.

–       Enter Peter Bunting as Security Minister inherited a year 1,130 Jamaicans murdered, left it at 1,208 in 2015 – an increase of 6 per cent

–       And now the current administration has presided over a 9 per cent decline from that 1,208 figure.

Every life counts. The use of these statistics is not to discount that fact but to make a simple but powerful point, the data confirms that when the Jamaica Labour Party administration is in office, murders decline during the term, under the PNP murders increase. This I believe is an important fact for the people of Jamaica to consider.


I wish to make a few quick comments on Housing in Jamaica. 

Between 2016 and 2024 the National Housing Trust started building 27,901 housing solutions. 

During that phase, 20,805 were completed. That’s between 2016 and 2024.

Over 62-thousand-9-hundred mortgages were created during that phase.

In fact, I am advised that is an unprecedented number of housing solutions completed across two terms by any administration in Jamaica.

Let’s break it down a bit further, between 2012 and 2016 the NHT completed significantly under 12,400 housing solutions. 

During the current term, from 2020 to the end of 2024, the National Housing Trust which operates under the policy auspices of the OPM under the leadership of Prime Minister Dr. Andrew Holness has completed the building of 14,136 housing solutions.

The fact is Sir, during the current term, this administration, via the NHT, has built 1,761 more housing when compared to the last term of a PNP Government.

So when the Opposition Spokesman on Housing suggested in his contribution that the administration of Prime Minister Andrew Holness has been underperforming in the area of housing compared to what transpired under the PNP administration, he is not speaking the truth. He in fact misled the parliament of Jamaica and the statistics show that what he intimated to the parliament is false.

But Sir though it is important to correct the record of the parliament it is also crucial to point out that this administration does not set its standard based on what was done in former years. We aspire and indeed will build even more houses for Jamaicans because the issue of access to housing is a real issue that should be addressed outside of the realm of partisan political sparring, which unfortunately the Opposition Spokesman has introduced to this debate.

The Opposition Spokesman’s move to disparage the New Social Housing Programme (NSHP) which has delivered over 280 houses and benefited almost 1 thousand Jamaicans who were in dire need was most unbecoming, unfortunate and without merit.

I truly believe Sir that the New Social Housing Programme will be remembered by Jamaicans as one of the most impactful programmes to be implemented by our visionary Prime Minister, who himself did not benefit from any sweetheart deal involving public funds, but came from humble beginnings, knows what it is to live in a board house and is committed to ensuring that as many Jamaicans as possible have the opportunity to enhance their standard of living.

I must add that I am encouraged by word from the Prime Minister that the administration is focused on making available more houses in particular to low to middle-income Jamaicans. The quicker we get this done the better.


During his contribution, the Opposition Spokesman also sought to paint Operation Pride, which was conceptualized and operationalized under a PNP administration as a good programme which enumerated to the benefit of the people of Jamaica.

Well, Sir that is the most audacious piece of revisionist history that I have heard since I have been watching the parliament for almost two decades. Let me remind Jamaicans who might not have been following current affairs then about the legacy of Operation Pride.

The programme was mired in corruption. At least six people including a well-known PNP activist were charged with 87 counts of conspiracy to fraud. They were accused of pilfering $451 million of taxpayers’ money and putting it into the pockets of them and their PNP political cronies.

The Jamaica Gleaner recalls it well – “Operation PRIDE was launched by the then P.J. Patterson administration as a scheme to provide low and middle income housing solutions for Jamaicans. But questions surrounding the spending of the money led to the resignation of the housing minister, Dr Karl Blythe, and the subsequent action against some PNP activists. An analysis of all the Operation Pride Projects disclosed that over 2-billion dollars was squandered.

Over 2-billion of taxpayers money, intended to build houses for Jamaicans was squander and pilfered under the PNP administration. That is the legacy of the PNP when it comes on to housing in Jamaica. The administration of Prime Minister Holness continues to build for Jamaicans, our programmes are not mired in multi-million dollar corruption programmes. The Prime Minister is strong on this issue .. not a dollar of the people’s housing money must be squandered to corruption and used to buffer the pockets of criminal elements.


During his contribution to the State of the Nation of the Nation debate, the Opposition Spokesman on Housing called for the resignation of a senior official at the UDC who has given yeoman’s service to this country. And the basis of the Spokesman’s call was a finding of minor various from a permit at a development associated with the UDC Chairman. Now anybody who knows anything about any development of note, knows their invariably are variations and processes in place to bring these to heal. 

But I was disappointed Sir to hear absolute silence from the Opposition Spokesman when it was disclosed that a company owned by a member of his political party, a Councillor, put up a building despite having absolutely no permit and that building had about 4 storeys despite the application which was then not approved saying they intended to build only 2.

The silence of the Opposition Spokesman on Housing on this matter brings into question his credibility to speak on matters concerning housing. And seeing that his credibility has been damaged by his ostensible hypocrisy and inconsistency, the Opposition Spokesman should consider his future in that post.


I wish to make a few comments on the economy and Jamaica’s future. It is clear that the Government had been active in building a strong economy. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters and or/weather events including Hurricane Beryl:

· The economy is stable 

·      The Net International Reserves (NIR) are doing very well

·      As I adumbrated earlier inflation in under control

·      And tax revenues are performing satisfactorily 

·      This administration achieved over 10 consecutive quarters in positive expansion of the economy 

Naturally due to the unavoidable of Hurricane Beryl the economy contracted no too long ago but I am confident given that the core macroeconomic indicators are trending in the right direction and that our key industries including agriculture are bouncing back and tourism continues to do well, that not too long from now the Jamaican economy will no doubt return to positive expansion. I say to all stakeholders, we can be confident that this will transpire not too long from now.


And on that note, I am a young legislator who took careful note of the FINSCA era of the 1990s and early 2000s had on this country, setting our country back by 30 years. This was an era where the savings and businesses of hard working Jamaicans were devastated by wicked high interest rate policies. We should not go back to that era of wicked policies.

Thousands upon thousands or ordinary Jamaicans were hurt, their lives were shattered – but the policies enumerated to the benefit of a few who were connected to the PNP, including a company owned by Peter Bunting and Mark Golding which was investigated by an anti-corruption agency, in that infamous sweetheart deal probe, and found to have benefitted from multi-million dollar contracts involving public funds via processes which were described by the Office of the Contractor General as “irregular, improper and achieved via a potentially corruption enabling mechanism intended to benefit political cronies”.

My point is simple. It is not complicated. It simply would not be good to entrust the future direction of Jamaica in the hands of individuals who benefited from these wicked and intentional policies which hurt Jamaicans and nearly wrecked the Jamaican economy/

And I am not the only one who is of this view Sir, that the current constitution of the leadership of the Opposition is not suitable to lead Jamaica.

 As supporting evidence I read this quotation into the record.

“You cannot dispose of your integrity, integrity is something you have whether you are being observed or not. He launched his campaign on a platform of integrity and he has abandoned it for political expediency. That disqualifies him from leading the Party and it disqualifies him from leading this great country”         –

Those Sir, are the words of Donna Scott Mottley, Deputy Opposition Senate Leader and Opposition Spokesman on Justice. Words uttered a few years ago concerning the individual who currently is her Senate Leader and is seen in some public circles as the co-Leader of the PNP, Peter Bunting.

There is a saying in Jamaica – if a sea creature goes to the bottom of the ocean and tell yuh say it deep, yuh better believe him. 

I put it to you Sir, that even by the submissions of their very own the current leadership of the Opposition is not qualified to lead.


And there may be some younger folks who hear me make the case, they here me say the state of the nation is such that we cannot go back to a time when diabolical PNP polices heaped pain on the backs of the Jamaican people. And they ask is that a harsh or partisan assessment?

1.    Well to answer that question I refer to a description of the FINSAC era by former Cabinet Minister and senior PNP member R.G. Thwaites who described that era of PNP wickedness as the greatest transfer of resources from the poor to the rich since slavery abolished. 

2.    And I go one better, a newspaper of record quoted a now current senior member of the PNP shadow cabinet who lamented that era of PNP being in power by saying – “like the majority of Jamaicans, I am tired of an administration that has grown tired. I am tired of the murder rate, corruption, unemployment and nepotism”

That Sir is how a newspaper publication in 2002 quoted now Opposition Senator Lambert Brown as describing the former PNP administration. The title of the article said Brown comes out swinging against the PNP.

The state of the nation is such that the current Opposition has not shown that it has grown from that era which Senator Brown has described as characterized by corruption and nepotism and they have not shown a grasp of how to operate an economy in a way that enumerates to the benefit of Jamaicans. Even by their own words Sir, it is clear they cannot be trusted with governing Jamaica.


As we contemplate the state of the nation, I wish to make some quick comments on the matter of corruption.

Corruption is an issue the world over, that does not identify with any unique political colour. Both from a moral standpoint and viewpoint of the well-being of a country’s economy it must be addressed decisively.

That’s why this administration has taken several actions including passing the MOCA and Integrity Commission Act and allocation on a yearly basis significant funding to these agencies

Corruption and Local Government

I am concerned Sir about constant information surfacing that suggest malfeasance at municipal corporations across the country and I am calling for deliberate efforts to be made to ensure the enhancement of the checks and balance systems across these corporations which have been in the news for the wrong reasons.

We must ensure that these another look is take at the systems which are supposed to ensure transparency and stop those who intended to pilfer public funds.

–       The Manchester Corporation 400 million dollar scandal where several were convicted comes to mind

–       So too the multi-million dollar illegal building saga, big building put up without a permit that has been dogging the new leadership of the KSAMC . The PNP Hush Money KSAMC resources scandal.

–       Word that the use and or whereabouts of 70-million dollars by the new leadership of the St. Mary Municipal Corporation is being questioned 

–       So too the allegations of cronyism which led to Contractor General investigations and adverse findings at the Hanover Parish Council

–       Similar scrutiny has also dogged the Westmoreland Corporation

–       And not too long ago we heard about a MOCA investigation probe into approximately a billion dollars being fleeced from the Corporation which has been led for several years by Mayor Norman Scott. 

It is quite interesting that all these corporations which are mired in corruption investigations with adverse findings and arrests being made in some cases are led by the Opposition PNP.  I honestly believe the Opposition PNP must take note of this and do some soul-searching. I also urge the people of Jamaica to take note.

Because the question must be asked Sir – if we cannot trust the Opposition with managing the affairs of the municipal corporations in a transparent manner and dealing honourably with public funds, how can we ever, ever trust them with managing the affairs of Central Government? The answer is simple Sir, they cannot be trusted.


I take note of publication in the media where the General Secretary of the Opposition part was asked by a then caretaker why more cash from the KSAMC was being sent to other PNP constituency leaders compared to what was sent to him and the PNP General Secretary said in his own voice said:

–     “I can tell you why that happened. That’s because they put more money in the two divisions where we going to have bi-elections in. So you going to have a bi-election in Chancery (Hall) and Denham Town. So they put more money in the divisions than are going to have the bi-elections”.

We are also told of a conversation between a former Councillor who now serves as an administrative staffer to Kingston’s Mayor where the admin staffer told the caretaker to come collect cash from the KSAMC and commented – “not well, the public should not know about this”

NOW … your Mr. President are a well-known exponent of the criminal law and you’d know that sort of treatment of public funds is unlawful and corrupt. In fact this scandal which has hit the PNP secretariat and the leadership of the KSAMC is not just corruption Sir, it is organized criminality.

I am heartened at word that a formal criminal investigation is underway, but given the damning disclosures in the public domain, I am therefore calling the resignation of Dr. Dayton Campbell as a Commissioner of the ECJ and General Secretary of the Opposition Party.

I also took note of the fact that the caretaker was quoted by the media of complaining to Dr. Campbell that Kingston’s Mayor was touching up elements in Central Kingston with money. Truth is sir, if Mayor Andrew Swaby did not know about the organized criminality at the KSAMC under his leadership, he should step aside, because that would indicate sheer incompetence, and if knew about it, he too should pack his bags and go!

By Dr. Campbell’s own admission he and the PNP secretariat knew about the corrupt scheme at the KSAMC because he assumed the function as explainer in chief. Let me remind you of his words. I can tell you why that happened.

I call for the leader of the Opposition Party, Mark Golding, to tell the country what he knows about the corruption scandal which has engulfed the CEO of his political party and the leadership of the KSAMC. The Opposition Leader should within 24 hours Sir, tell the country what he knows or he too should consider his future.

And in my closing comments on this issue – I say to the Opposition Party which has control of the KSAMC, tek unnu sticky fingers off poor people money.



It is likely that a General Election will be held this year given that that event is constitutionally due in September of this year.

I am aware that the people of Jamaica are looking on for differences between this administration and the Opposition. 

I submit to the Parliament Sir that one key difference is the Andrew Holness-led administration believes in putting money back into the pockets of Jamaicans and thereby increasing their purchasing power and ability to feed themselves and their families. 

We believe in where possible cutting taxation and there easing the burdens on the people of Jamaica.

On the others idea we have a political party, the PNP which track record of imposing billions of dollars of taxes on the people of Jamaica. In the last term, the PNP administration imposed 60-billion in taxes on the backs of the people of Jamaica.

And when we highlight some of these diabolical, anti-people and iniquitous PNP policies of the yester-year the Leader of Opposition Senate Business and former MP for Central Manchester sometimes says look how long ago go dat?

We I put it to you Sir that if we listen carefully to the utterances of members of the shadow cabinet, it is clear that the PNP’s philosophy of taxing Jamaicans has not changed under the leadership of Mark Golding.

Not too long ago the Opposition Spokesman on Education suggested a special increase in the GCT, of course this would dip into the salaries of Jamaicans and send up food prices, while the Spokesman on Agriculture only a few days ago was quoted on the news as suggesting an increase in taxes on all food import which it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know will also drive up prices.

I wish to place on the record of parliament Sir, my opposition to this expression of their the PNP’s intention which was made by their two prominent spokesmen.

I have vowed that during my political career to always defend the interest of the poor and dispossessed and in that vain Sir with consideration for the suggestion of GCT increase and food tax increase, I wish to engage the vernacular and say this to the two Opposition Spokesmen and the Mark Golding-led PNP – forget it.

The PNP during the last term imposed 60-billion dollars in taxes on the people of Jamaica, and quite frankly Sir this talk from the PNP about new taxes, this fixation wid taxation has doubled my resolve to work hard to ensure that the PNP does not again get the chance to pursue policies which not only stifle the local business sector but are tantamount to them again seeking to put dem foot on di neck of poor people in Jamaica. I say to the Opposition – we the people of Jamaican will not allow you to send up food prices by pursuing fixation wid taxation. 


Little did we know Sir that when they have been saying time come, they mean time come for new taxes. But look such an increase in GCT and tax on food imports will drive up prices, unfairly burden poor people, stifle the business sector and simply would not be in the interest of the people of Jamaica or the Jamaican economy.

You see Mr. President what the Opposition does not seem to grasp is that it takes creativity and  thinking centred on the people to get an economy moving in the right direction.


And the national dialogue and the current -state of the Nation is such that I feel compelled to make this point:

The Government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness is not just a macro-economic stability administration. 

We put the interest of the people first and we have demonstrated that we have the skillset to put in place policies which benefit the people of Jamaica in tangible ways. And we recognize and are poised to get much more done. And that I believe is part of the case why it would be good if the people their wisdom elect to grant this administration, the administration of Prime Minister Andrew Holness another term to continue putting in place measures to make their lives easier;

As we contemplate the state of the nation sir, it is important to note that it:

1. It is this administration that has cut income taxes twice

2.  We have increased pensions

3.  We have more than Doubled the minimum wage from the abysmal 6,500 it was at under the PNP

4. We have made strides in taking scores of Jamaicans of contract work, giving them permanent employment with additional benefits thereby improving their standard of living and job security

5. We have reduced JUTC fares

6. The administration via the PATH programme has increased support to the Most vulnerable in society by over 30 percent.

7. We have disbanded tuition fees for critical HEART Trust programmes because we believe in giving people people a chance to obtain a skill and actively step up inna life.

8. This administration has pursued the most massive series of infrastructure projects aimed at improving water supply to communities dispossessed and fixing the road network across the country

9. We have made unprecedented investment in making communities safer and enhancing working conditions and service delivery in the medical care system 

10. And we have not too long ago given back 20-thousand dollars to thousands of Jamaicans via the income tax rebate initiative.

And I can confidently say there is much more to come because I know that our Prime Minister and the administration he leads understands that at the core of our mandate is to continue to put in place a range of policies which make better the lives of the Jamaican people and ease their burdens. I know that my Prime Minister and our government understands this and there I can confidently say there is much more to come.


President, I am a strong believer in the courage, determination and talent of the people of Jamaica. I keep alluding to it, a former senior public official once said there is nothing wrong about Jamaica, that cannot be fixed by that which is good about our blessed island. He is right. 

And even as we confront the challenges of our time, I am confident that Jamaica under the leadership of this administration will continue to make steady gains in the interest of the people of Jamaica Land we love.

Thank you Sir, God bless you 

And may God continue to bless Jamaica.


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