JAM | May 4, 2023

Jamaica’s petrol price slump nears four-month low

/ Our Today

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Activity at the Texaco gas station in Papine, St Andrew. (Photo: Virtuoso Architect)

Jamaican motorists and business interests enjoy a continued reprieve for the third week running, as state-owned refinery Petrojam again announces sustained cuts in its baseline prices.

Petrojam, in its closely watched petroleum product price index, advised that 87-octane gasoline will sell for $2.40 (or roughly eight per cent) less effective today (May 4), closing at J$166.08 per litre.

On its current trajectory, pump prices nationwide could tumble to levels not seen this year since updates on January 5 and January 19.

Meanwhile, Thursday’s price cuts are consistent for most products on Petrojam’s index, with the biggest single drops recorded for butane, kerosene, automotive diesel and its ultra-low sulphur counterpart—all falling by $4.50 respectively.

It is expected that retailers will add their mark-ups to the announced prices.

See breakdown of prices below:

ProductPrice per unit (effective May 4, 2023)Price change (from last week)
Gasolene 87$166.08-$2.40 ($168.48)
Gasolene 90$169.58-$2.50 ($172.48)
Auto diesel$174.12-$4.50 ($178.62)
Kerosene$185.17-$4.50 ($189.67)
Propane$63.40-$2.90 ($66.30)
Butane$70.68-$4.50 ($75.18)
ULSD$184.96-$4.50 ($189.46)


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