| Apr 6, 2023

Janice Allen appointed vice president of Socialist International Latin America and Caribbean

/ Our Today

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Opposition spokesperson on Tourism, Senator Janice Allen. (Photo: Facebook @janice.allen.3705)

Opposition Senator and spokesperson on tourism, Janice Allen, has been appointed vice president of the Socialist International (SI) Latin America and the Caribbean.

The SI is a group of like-minded social democratic parties of which the People’s National Party (PNP) is a member. She was appointed for the period 2023 to 2027 at the SI committee meeting held in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, last week. 

Socialist International says the committee for Latin America and the Caribbean will concentrate on consolidating the unity of member parties and stimulating the rich diversity which characterises the ideological spectrum of social democracy to achieve its goals and add value to its work in the respective countries. 

In a letter confirming Senator Allen’s appointment, the organisation shared that it was confident that Senator Allen, from her new position, would make an important contribution to its expansion in the region and spread the social democratic message for the benefit of the people.

Opposition spokesperson on Tourism, Senator Janice Allen.

While congratulating Allen on her achievement, the PNP said it was pleased that a Jamaican woman has been appointed to this noble position.

“We know that Senator Allen will represent Jamaica and the PNP well, as she has been an integral part of the Parliamentary caucus representing us as the Spokesperson of Tourism and Linkages. The party extends congratulations and best wishes to Senator Allen and said it is confident she will execute the duties of her office with passion and purpose,” the PNP said in a release.

They noted that through Allen, the party will participate in discussions on key issues such as climate change, cost of living crises and the increasing levels of inequalities, which threaten democracy and political stability in the global south. 


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