JAM | Aug 3, 2024

JCF receives new vehicles

Nathan Roper

Nathan Roper / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
New vehicles handed over to the Jamaica Constabulary Force earlier this year (Photo: Contributed)

In a bid to enhance the capability of law officers to carry out their duties, more than 40 vehicles were given to the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).

National Security Minister Dr. Horace Chang presented the keys to the JCF at the handover ceremony on Wednesday (July 31). The vehicles include twenty Mitsubishi L200s and seven Toyota Hilux pickup trucks, along with ten Kia Sorento sport utility vehicles (SUVs).

Nearly J$5 billion was spent by the Government to acquire vehicles for the force, with an additional J$8 billion-plus to be spent by 2027.

Chang said these new vehicles will play an integral part in aiding the constabulary in their day-to-day duties. He also noted that it was exceedingly crucial for the police to have mobility and freedom of movement when necessary.

Aside from increasing their overall manoeuvrability, Chang also highlighted that such vehicles would also help keep their occupants, possessions, and sensitive items and accessories safe as they were transported from place to place.

Minister of National Security Horace Chang

The Minister stressed the key importance of moving money, in particular, safely across the country, especially in light of the recent attacks on transports carrying large amounts of cash, such as the Beryllium trucks.

“Easy, safe movement of cash, and safe movement of goods—unless that can be conducted without fear,
the economy will be pressured, and if we don’t control safety and public order, the economy will be
strangled, hence the Government’s commitment to provide the police with the required tools and
facilities,” Chang stated.

The minister would end his address by urging the drivers of the new vehicles to act with the honour, care and respect befitting members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force.

“To the officers who will be using these vehicles, I urge you to utilise them responsibly and effectively
in the line of your duty. Together, we will continue to strive for a safer, more secure, and prosperous
nation,” he said.


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