Dequity Capital, headed by Kadeen Mairs, has raised a J$600 million bond in order to make a number of strategic investments in medtech and fintech companies throughout this year.
The way Dequity Capital sees it, financial technology and medical technology are distinct sectors that focus on leveraging technology to address specific needs within finance and healthcare respectively.
FinTech concentrates on transforming financial services through technology, while medtech is dedicated to advancing healthcare and medical practices through technological innovations. Both sectors play critical roles in reshaping their respective industries, driving efficiency, accessibility and improved outcomes for Jamaicans and the region.
Speaking with Our Today, Mairs said: “ This bond was successfully raised with the help of our investment bankers Barita and the confidence of our bond holders with the intention of consolidating current liabilities well as elevating our investment portfolio with diversification particularly in the field of technology.”
Currently Dequity’s portfolio of companies span several industries including healthcare, real estate, financial services, print and digital media and gaming.