JAM | Jun 23, 2021

Lasco Group continues to expand in the midst of the pandemic

/ Our Today

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Export market has grown as far as the Middle East. (Photo: Facebook @LASCOMoney)

The Lasco Group is further expanding given the increase in demand for its manufactured products and its push into more overseas markets.

The company is expanding its warehouse space as well as expanding its production facilities. The announcement was made by James Rawle, Managing Director at Lasco Manufacturing Limited and Lascelles Chin, Executive Chairman at Lasco Affiliated Companies, during their address at the recent Mayberry Investor Forum, where they spoke about the expansion plans taking place.

The group has grown from distributing locally only to now exporting to numerous countries globally, particularly Canada, the United States of America, the Middle East, South America and the Caribbean. Messrs. Rawle and Chin spoke about the growth and expansion of their export market.

Rawle told the forum that, “today we are exporting to over 20 countries in the Caribbean area and we have our sights set on Latin America, specifically Central America, Venezuela and Columbia. We are also exporting to the East Coast of the United States and we are very strong in New York and Miami, including our diaspora.”

Making capital investments to grow production

He disclosed that LASCO continues to make capital investments to improve its production. According to the Lasco Manufacturing MD, “one feature of LASCO has been a constant capital investment in equipment, plant and technology. This is in fact what has fueled our growth in both companies. To meet our growth targets, it is essential that we continue to invest prudently and as such we have a very robust pipeline to deliver the growth we require and to be aligned with our strategic objectives.”

Rawle explained that the company will continue to invest in technology as it is an essential vehicle to improving its productivity. Plans have been put in place for further investments in both Lasco Manufacturing and its distribution subsidiary.

Lasco Group of Companies logo. (Photo: Jamaica International Invitational)

“In fact, we just completed expanding our Powders Manufacturing Facility during COVID and brought that online in February of this year and now we can complete that investment during the difficult year, and put it into operation; It not only gives us additional capacity but also the chance to improve our operational efficiency,” he disclosed.

Expansion in building space

For his part Chin spoke about the expansion in building space that is taking place. He told the virtual audience that, “the volume is getting larger and the space we have is not sufficient; as a result, we made plans for two buildings months in advance, 170,000 square feet in addition and the other 20,000 square feet. He disclosed that one of the building spaces has just been approved by the Parish Council”.

The Lasco Group Chairman remarked, “as such, to continue the expansions, we need space and unfortunately, we did not want to spend too much on space. However, without space, we cannot continue to expand.” 

Chin reiterated the company’s commitment to consumers and its mandate to provide affordable quality products noting that the Lasco Group is mindful of affordability for its consumers, product diversification and improving distribution efficiency, which are valuable tools to sustain the company’s productivity.

With several subsidiaries under its belt, Lasco Group of Companies has maintained a diverse portfolio that includes popular products such as Lasco food and drinks, LaSoy lactose free, porridge mix and iCool.


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