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| Feb 12, 2022

Makhulu | Lisa Hanna’s sartorial elegance was sure missed at ceremonial opening of parliament

/ Our Today

Reading Time: 4 minutes
(Photo: Facebook @MPLisaHanna)

—Article by Makhulu

Lisa Hanna’s flair for fashion was sorely missed at the ceremonial opening of parliament on Thursday.

While attending to constituency matters in St Ann, other contenders had the opportunity to make a mark but none seem to match Hanna’s aplomb – in my not so humble opinion!

Always sure-footed in that department, without Hanna, this year’s opening was like watching a cup final between Watford and Wimbledon – you’re not exactly in for a scintillating game but more of a yeoman’s performance.

In the early part of her parliamentary career, Hanna was dismissed as simply confectionary, lauded for her nice shoes. Fifteen years later, she has evolved and become a political force who is now a front runner to lead the PNP and become a future Prime Minister of Jamaica; the second woman to do so after Portia Simpson-Miller.

Her recent published articles display intellect, insight and are thought-provoking both on national and international issues.

She has an intrinsic understanding of the media and how to effectively employ it.

In her earlier professional life, she was a communications specialist at a leading international hotel and she has made good use of that period in her life to great ends in the political arena.

Hanna is superbly adept with social media and this may well be her trump card in obtaining the ultimate political prize. Today, both Jamaican politicians and business leaders underestimate the power of the media and do not give it the required attention. The rise of Donald Trump and closer to home, Adam Stewart, should have alerted them to the possibilities here.

Earlier this month, Hanna had to parry accusations of giving her approval to costs of J$2.6 million for the construction of a Moneague College bus stop, which was deemed excessive.

Taking to her social media platform and going straight to the people to take on traditional media, she explained what transpired and the reasoning for a retaining wall.

She did so without invective and melodrama, remaining even-tempered and concise.

This week she again adroitly utilised her platform to explain her noted absence from the ceremonial opening of parliament.

Some were quick to put it down as a snub to Mark Golding and the “Rise gang”.

Addressing someone claiming to see Hanna while on the way to the supermarket, when the Opposition Spokesperson on Foreign Affairs should have been in parliament, note how Hanna dispatches this one to the boundary.

Her Twitter account read: “Perhaps when you saw me “casually driving,” I was en route to my constituency. MPs were asked to volunteer to be absent from the ceremonial opening in an effort to reduce the numbers in the chambers amid the pandemic so I volunteered.”

‘Let’s use our platforms for good and not to “casually” go around perpetuating narratives that are totally untrue. I wish you well.”

(Photo: Twitter @LisaHannaMP)

That’s telling you with a spoon of sugar…and a pinch of salt.

Here you can see Hanna’s sardonic wit on show. She is now quite the politician and is careful with her words.

The explanation is so succinct that it immediately puts the matter to bed without allowing for retort.

Mark Golding will have to be on his guard. Lisa is crafting a beachhead in preparation for the final assault.

She has not been disrespectful nor openly disloyal but is slowly and assuredly positioning herself to be considered as a viable alternative to the Leader of the PNP both within the party and with the Jamaican public.

This is where timing come in. She may very well be impatient to oust Golding and fuel the perception that he is unelectable and no match for Holness.

She must stay the moment and not put her head above the parapet, rather allowing for time and the call to leadership from king (or queen for that matter) makers.

Future polls will prove auspicious.

Member of Parliament for South East St Ann, Lisa Hanna on a joint tour with officials of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA) meeting with constituent farmers on Thursday, February 10. (Photo: Facebook @MPLisaHanna)

So far, so good and she must continue on her current course. To challenge Golding too soon and to lose again may do her irreparable harm. Patience, forbearance, composure and stoicism may well pay off for her in the end.

The call from her social media fans may prove irresistible but social media is a lot like playing pool- fast and fortuitous. She has to play snooker – a more complicated game that takes place on a bigger table requiring precision, technique and elegant execution when it is your turn.


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