| Jun 24, 2022

PNP congratulates Dickon Mitchell & NDC on election victory in Grenada

/ Our Today

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Dickon Mitchell, leader of the New Democratic Congress (NDC) greeting supporters at a rally ahead of the Grenada general election on June 16, 2022. The NDC won nine of the 15 seats during the June 23 polls, ousting long-serving leader Dr Keith Mitchell. (Photo: Facebook @SupportNDC)

The Opposition People’s National Party (PNP) has extended congratulations to newly installed Prime Minister of Grenada, Dickon Mitchell, and the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on a resounding electoral victory.

In a statement last night (June 23), the PNP said that the NDC’s victory signals a “wind of change sweeping across the region”, after securing nine of the 15 electoral seats.

The NDC was declared winners of the general election in a stunning upset to incumbent Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, whose New National Party (NNP) previously held all 15 Grenadian seats.

“This victory breaks a two-term drought for the NDC and ushers in a new day for Grenada,” stated the PNP.

“Once again, the PNP congratulates our political sister party NDC and assures them of our continued support and fraternity,” the Opposition added.

Dickon Mitchell was sworn in on Friday as the ninth prime minister of Grenada, also becoming the youngest to do so at an age of 44.

*A previous version of this article erroneously attributed Prime Minister Dickon Mitchell’s age as 47.


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