JAM | May 23, 2024

PNP Patriots alarmed by Holness’ disregard for Jamaican Constitution

/ Our Today

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Denounces ‘baseless’ attack on Mark Golding and the ensuing witch hunt amid the British citizenship row

(Photo: Facebook @thepnppatriots)

People’s National Party (PNP) young professional affiliate The Patriots says it is deeply concerned about Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ insistence on raking up cheap political points and “continued disregard for the Jamaican Constitution”.

The youth group, in a statement on Wednesday (May 22), noted evidence repeatedly demonstrated by the Holness camp, with the latest being an “unfounded attack on Opposition Leader Mark Golding’s citizenship and right to represent his fellow Jamaicans”.

Opposition Leader Mark Golding raises his fist to supporters during the ceremonial opening of Parliament on February 16, 2024, in downtown Kingston. (Photo: Facebook @markjeffersongolding)

While acknowledging the need for constitutional reform, the Patriots argued that it is left no choice but to question Holness’ motives for hastily pushing ahead with this matter of national significance without thorough engagement of the Jamaican society.

Holness, according to the PNP affiliate, has fumbled constitutional matters on numerous occasions but remains obstinate and resolute in his bid to disregard Jamaica’s Constitution and the rule of law.

The Patriots cited his administration’s poor handling of states of emergencies; the National Identification System (NIDS); extension of the tenure of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) Refusal to grant asylum to Haitians and pre-signed resignation letters.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness, addresses a post-Cabinet press briefing at Jamaica House on Wednesday, May 15, 2024. Looking on is Minister of Legal and Constitutional Affairs, Marlene Malahoo Forte. (Photo: JIS)

“Further, amid the lack of certification of his statutory declarations by the Integrity Commission, the prime minister continues in his folly and appears to be unshakable in his wrongful thinking. There is no doubt that the results of the 2024 Local Government Elections and recent opinion polls have left Mr Holness and the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) in a state of shock,” the group argued.

The Patriots are seemingly disappointed that the governing party would resort to ‘petty obfuscation’ and use of the issue of constitutional reform to discredit Golding, who has “enjoyed an enviable reputation as a Jamaican politician with integrity”.

“Meanwhile, Jamaicans await the prime minister’s decision on a significant matter such as justice for Jamaicans. Will we move towards making our final court of appeal the Caribbean Court of Justice or remain with the Privy Council? If Mr Holness wants to remain with the Privy Council, he needs to clearly outline the basis for his recommendation. His reputation of being indecisive when it comes to this important decision ought not be tolerated,”

External view of the Caribbean Court of Justice’s (CCJ) headquarters in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. (Photo: Twitter @SaintLuciaGov)

“The opposition leader’s citizenship and use of passport should in no way supersede this important decision in relation to our country’s future and we view this entire debacle as a distraction and total political buffoonery.

It must also be noted that the Prime Minister is a member of His Majesty’s Privy Council and being in that position there was a swearing of allegiance to the King. This is far more than what Mark Golding did in his acquisition of citizenship by descent for another Commonwealth Nation.

The Patriots are also seeking clarification on whether the prime minister is disregarding the Commonwealth, which Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith “so valiantly fought to hold the top office” in 2022, which it notes the country is still “unaware of the full cost of that failed campaign”.

“Golding has consistently demonstrated full compliance with the rule of law – something that should be required of everyone who seeks to lead this country. We therefore urge the prime minister to get back to the business at hand and demonstrate that he can be entrusted with leading this reform process, by first following due process. Instead of using his office to score political points, take the Constitutional Reform agenda to the streets and let the people decide on the kind of Jamaica in which they want to live. As it stands, only a small number of public consultations have taken place, and this is not enough,” the group noted.


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