JAM | Sep 10, 2024

Prime Minister Andrew Holness expresses concerns over alleged leak of Integrity Commission reports

Vanassa McKenzie

Vanassa McKenzie / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Prime Minister Andrew Holness (YouTube screen grab: JIS)

Prime Minister Andrew Holness has raised concerns surrounding reports of an alleged leak of the reports submitted to Parliament by the Integrity Comission for tabling.

This follows recent comments circulating in the public domain alluding to the contents of the reports, with some hinting at the Prime Minister’s statutory declaration.

“I am concerned about leaks, very much so. Concerned to the point where members of the opposition could say with definitive certainty when the report was going to be tabled and what the content of the report. I am very concerned, and that was even before the report reached parliament,” Holness said.

Holness further noted that he expects that the reports submitted by the Integrity Commission will be tabled as soon as Parliament reconvenes on Tuesday, September 17.

Logo of the Integrity Commission. (Photo: Integrity Commission)

The Integrity Commission has since issued a statement following reports circulating in the public domain stating that the investigation report, ruling, and special report submitted on Friday have not yet been tabled.

“The Integrity Commission wishes to remind the public, including media houses, that it is a breach of Section 53(3) of Integrity Commission Act to report or make any public statement on an un-tabled investigation report,” the Commission said.

According to Section 53(3), until the tabling in Parliament of a report under Section 36, all matters under investigation by the Director of Investigation or any other person involved in such an investigation shall kept confidential, and no report or public statement shall be made by the Commission or any other person in relation to the initiation or conduct of an investigation under this Act.

Additionally, the anti-corruption agency said it has not divulged any information regarding the reports.

“The Integrity Commission is committed to fair and accurate reporting of facts and has no agenda to suit any individual or entity. Accordingly, it has not divulged and will never, in any way, divulge information that is contrary to the requirements of the law,” the Integrity Commission said.

Last Thursday, September 5, the commission submitted to Parliament an investigation report, an associated ruling of its director of corruption prosecution, and a special report.

The Integrity Commission mission is to achieve a corrupt-free society by preventing, detecting, investigating and prosecuting acts of corruption.


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