American multimedia messaging app and service Snapchat first came on the scene in 2011. The app was the first of its kind to have the 24-hour principal feature – meaning, once a video or picture is posted, after 24 hours it will disappear. Other platforms such as WhatsApp and Instagram have gone on to adapt the feature.

Another principal feature the multimedia messaging app has is the various emojis that appear next to certain contact names on our Snap. Have you ever wondered what exactly is the meaning attached to each emoji? While these emojis add to aesthetics, they serve a dual purpose as they define the type of relationship that one friend has with another, based on the amount of communication that takes place. Let us explore what the different emojis on Snapchat mean using yourself, and the names Troy, Shari, Celine and Trevor.

If you and Troy just became friends, the baby emoji will appear.
Gold Star

Troy has replayed your snap in the past 24 hours! What did you send to your friend?
Yellow Heart

Number one! Troy and Shari are each other’s number one best friend. They send the most snaps to each other.
Red Heart

If you see a red heart appear on Shari’s chat, this simply means that you have been best friends for two consecutive weeks; you have both sent each other snaps for all of fourteen days.
Pink Heart

This has upped the anti! You have been bestfriends with Troy for two months consecutively!
Grimacing Face

Awkward much?! Troy is your number on best friend and Troy is Shari’s number one best friend. You and Shari send the same amount of snaps to Troy.

One of your best friends is also someone else’s best friend. In other words, you and Shari are best friends and you and Troy are also best friends. If Shari and Troy are also best friends, the sunglasses emoji will appear on the chats of both Shari and Troy.
Blush Emoji

Although Trevor may not be your bestfriend, you do tend to send him a lot of snaps. You and Trevor are close friends, you speak frequently, but not everyday.
Smirking Face

You are Celine’s bestfriend, but Celine is not a bestfriend for you. Wellllll thennnn……

Celine and Trevor are on a snap streak! They have sent each other photos for three or more consecutive days. Chats, calls and videos do not contribute to streaks, only photos/snaps.

Celine and Trevor have sent each other photos for all of 100 days.

Celine’s and Trevor’s snap streak will soon end. The hourglass is to alert each of them that need to keep up with the streak before 24 hours have passed.
Birthday Cake

If you have enabled the birthday setting feature on snap, then all your friends will see a cake appear on your chat. This simply means it is your cake day!