Health & Wellbeing
WORLD | Oct 20, 2021

Water is life! Drink up!

Ategie Edwards

Ategie Edwards / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Water is life! This is a familiar saying that many of us know.

It is said that the body is made up of more than 70 per cent water and we ought to drink at least eight glasses of water each day

While we know that water is one of the best ways to take care of our bodies, are we drinking our fair share of water each day? Being a tasteless liquid, many persons do not gravitate to drinking water on a regular basis, leaning more to sodas, juice and alcohol.

Drinking little to no water can lead to serious effects on the body. Do you want to be among those who suffer from these issues? 


Here are a few benefits to drinking water 

1. Helps to Prevent Hangovers 

Hangovers truly are the worst! Wouldn’t it be great to have a nice night out drinking without dwelling on that unpleasant hangover in the morning? DRINK WATER! Yes! drinking water has been scientifically proven to help prevent hangovers. Persons usually drink water the morning after to subdue the effects, but in actuality, one should drink water between drinks and have a large glass of water just before going to bed.   

2. May Relieve Constipation 

Suffering from infrequent bowel movement is characterised as constipation. Increasing your water intake can prevent or relieve constipation. Fluid intake is usually advised when one suffers from constipation.  

3. Aids in Losing Weight 

Want to lose weight? DRINK WATER! Drinking water helps to increase the metabolism rate which in turn helps you to burn more calories during physical activity. Drinking water at least half an hour before a meal will cause you to eat less calories, contributing to weight loss.  

4. Improves Your Skin 

Water aids in healthy blood circulation which makes the skin glow. It also improves skin cells, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and flushes toxins and impurities from the body.


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