There is a popular saying that breastfeeding is a mother’s gift to herself, her baby, and the earth. Breast milk is generally recommended for newborns during the early stages of their lives because it helps build their immune system, and offers them essential nutrients.
The act of breastfeeding is not only beneficial to newborns but mothers as well. Research has shown that breastfeeding lowers their risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
The month of August is being observed as World Breastfeeding Awareness Month, a time geared towards highlighting the benefits of breastfeeding while showing support to nursing mothers.
For new and expecting mothers, here are tips to make your breastfeeding experience a memorable one for you and your baby.
Getting started
During the first few days after delivery, a mother will produce colostrum, the first form of milk produced by the mother. This milk offers nutritional support to your newborn and assists their digestive system to develop.
The key to a successful breastfeeding session is the way you position your baby. Firstly, get into a comfortable enough position before attempting to breastfeed your child.
It is recommended that you hold your baby ‘tummy to tummy’ to reduce the space between your body and the baby. Secondly, ensure the baby opens his/her mouth wide enough to take the nipple and the areola in his/her mouth.
A new mom can support her breast with her hand during breastfeeding sessions. Place your fingers behind the areola and be careful not to press inward on your chest.
The typical newborn will require breastfeeding every two to four hours daily.
Gather your breastfeeding essentials
There are some breastfeeding essentials that every mom will need to have. This includes a well-fitting bra to offer much-needed support to your bra, breast pads, a breast pump, a nursing pillow, a rocking chair, and a footstool.
While every mom’s breastfeeding journey is not the same, there is certainly one thing that remains the same for most mothers and that is staying hydrated.
It is important to drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated during breastfeeding. It is recommended to drink a glass of water for every breastfeeding session.
Similarly, it is important to maintain a healthy diet to ensure that you produce enough milk for the newborn. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, proteins, fat-free-diary products, and seafood.
Working moms
Working moms can also enjoy the precious experience of breastfeeding. There are several breast pumps that breastfeeding mothers can purchase that allow them to pump while at work.
Some workplaces have also become more inclusive and supportive of breastfeeding, providing designated spaces for mothers to pump breast milk for their newborns.