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JAM | Feb 2, 2025

Young Jamaica | Mark Golding and PNP must answer to KSAMC corruption

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Young Jamaica

Young Jamaica, the youth arm of the governing Jamaica Labour Party (JLP), says it is appalled, but not surprised by the latest revelation of the People’s National Party (PNP)-controlled Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC) being caught up in “yet another scandal”.

See statement:

Nationwide News Network exercised journalistic fortitude in a news report late [Friday] evening, providing leaked conversations and phone texts exposing concerns about election campaign spending through the illicit use of public funds at the KSAMC.

These allegations have only confirmed what Jamaicans have long known – that corruption and mismanagement are embedded in the DNA of the PNP.

Once again, the PNP is silent in the face of damning allegations. The very officials at the centre of this scandal have refused to answer the pressing questions of the Jamaican people.

Where is the accountability and transparency that they so often preach? The PNP has built its entire political existence on a foundation of hypocrisy, and this is yet another glaring example.

Mayor of Kingston, Councillor Andrew Swaby, addresses today’s (April 9) monthly meeting of the Kingston and St. Andrew Municipal Corporation (KSAMC), at 24 Church Street in downtown Kingston. (Photo: JIS)

But silence is not enough. Young Jamaica demands that Mark Golding, as president of the PNP and Mayor Councillor Andrew Swaby, both immediately investigate these allegations and tell the Jamaican people the truth. If they cannot, then they are complicit in this disgraceful affair.

Young Jamaica is also calling on key groups, including the Jamaica Accountability Metre Portal (JAMP), National Integrity Action (NIA), Private Sector Organization of Jamaica (PSOJ) and Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) to step forward and hold the PNP accountable.

“Mark Golding’s PNP operates like a corrupt cabal disguised as a political party, scheming in secret, looting in broad daylight, and hiding when the truth comes out. If Golding has any moral standing left, he will investigate this scandal immediately. But if history has taught us anything, it’s that expecting integrity from the PNP is like expecting a thief to return stolen goods,” said Young Jamaica president Rohan Walsh.

President of Young Jamaica, Rohan Walsh. (Photo: Contributed)

Jamaicans are tired of the PNP’s games. They are tired of the broken promises, the empty rhetoric, and the blatant dishonesty. We will not allow the PNP to sweep this under the rug. Mark Golding must answer. The PNP must answer. The people of Jamaica demand nothing less.


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