Sport & Entertainment
CARIB | May 8, 2024

10 unforgettable games of the early 2000s era



Reading Time: 6 minutes

The early 2000s was inarguably the best time to be alive and an even better time to be a gamer.

From immersive gameplay and hard-to-beat boss matches, to the thrill of victory, Our Today has compiled a list of 10 console video games that will never be forgotten due to their massive cultural impact.

(posters may not match the specific games mentioned)

Ranked by memorability and popularity, here are our top picks:

1. Fifa

Photo Source: Fifa

FIFA is a popular football video game series known for its realistic gameplay, licensed teams, and player rosters, offering immersive football experiences for players worldwide. You get to play with your favourite players’ avatars and watch as their mannerisms and tactical abilities are showcased in different situations. You can build your teams, and switch between league tiers, and every year since the 2000s, Fifa has only advanced its features.

2. Need for Speed– Underground 2

Photo Source: Need for Speed,

Need for Speed- Underground 2 is a high-octane racing game series featuring adrenaline-pumping races, customizable cars, and intense police chases, appealing to fans of fast-paced action and car enthusiasts.

In the 2000s, the need for speed was among the top car racing games, with Forza running close second.

3. Mario Kart

Nintendo DS lovers, who did not like sharing their devices at school— we’ll never forget what you did.

Mario Kart was a huge game in the early 2000s, and remains a beloved racing game franchise featuring iconic characters from the Mario universe competing in whimsical and chaotic races filled with power-ups, obstacles, and colourful tracks! Mario Kart was good fun, and the gameplay was simple enough for players of all ages.

4. Pokémon Emerald

Pokémon Emerald is a role-playing game adventure game set in the Pokémon universe, where players embark on a journey to become Pokémon trainers, capture and train creatures, and battle other trainers in a quest to become the Pokémon Champion, offering engaging gameplay and exploration.

If you loved the anime, then playing just felt like you were a part of the crew.

Pokemon Emerald is remembered for having the Battle Frontier (battle facilities where powerful trainers can compete with each other), also offering players a ton of new endgame content to explore.

Did you ever blow on your cartridges? Just curious…

5. Grand theft Auto: San Andreas

Grand Theft_Auto: San_Andreas

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is an open-world action-adventure game set in a fictionalized version of California, offering players the freedom to explore vast cities, engage in missions, and experience a gritty storyline filled with crime, violence, and satire, making it a landmark title in the GTA series.

With a huge map and tons of possibilities, San Andreas had a lot of side missions that were large-scale and felt just as important as the main mission and plot. Fans appreciated the non-linear game-play, since a lot of the time the side-mission was truly unhinged, and good fun.

6. Call Of DutyModern Warfare 2

Photo Source:, Call of Duty Modern Warfare

Modern Warfare 2 is a first-person shooter game known for its intense multiplayer battles, cinematic single-player campaign, and gripping narrative set in contemporary military conflicts, attracting fans with its fast-paced gameplay and realistic mechanics.

The player is guided by a good storyline (partnering with the CIA and the Urzikstani Liberation Force to retrieve stolen chemical weapons) and a strong sense of urgency as they complete a range of missions. It was intense and like its successors, revered as top contenders in the military, first-person shooter game arena.


Photo Source:

Halo is a legendary sci-fi first-person shooter franchise set in a futuristic universe, featuring the iconic protagonist Master Chief battling alien forces!

Battling the Covenant (The aliens) Halo offers epic campaigns, intense multiplayer modes, and groundbreaking gameplay mechanics— the weapon selection, maps and vehicles were also great for its time.

8. God of War

God of War!

This an action-adventure game inspired by Greek mythology, following the journey of Kratos, a vengeful Spartan warrior, as he battles gods, monsters, and titans in a quest for redemption and revenge, known for its epic scale, visceral combat, and emotional storytelling— and it only got better with time!

9. Dragon ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3

Photo Source: Static.wikia, Dragonball, DBZ_Tenkaichi_3

Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is a fighting game based on the popular anime and manga series Dragon Ball Z, featuring a vast roster of characters, spectacular battles, and combat mechanics— matching the anime to a T, offering fans an immersive experience in the DBZ universe.

10. Assassin’s Creed

Photo Source:, Assassins-creed, the-ezio-collection

Assassin’s Creed is an action-adventure stealth game series set in various historical periods, where players control skilled assassins tasked with fighting against oppressive forces and unravelling intricate conspiracies.

The game is renowned for its detailed open worlds, parkour-based gameplay, and rich storytelling.

Honourable mentions:

Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm

An action-packed fighting game based on the popular Naruto anime and manga series. Players step into the shoes of Naruto and other iconic characters as they engage in dynamic battles using a variety of jutsu techniques and ninja skills. With stunning visuals, immersive storytelling, and exhilarating combat mechanics, the game offers fans an immersive experience in the vibrant world of Naruto.

Smash Brothers Melee

Super Smash Bros. Melee is a frenetic crossover fighting game featuring iconic characters from Nintendo and other gaming franchises. With fast-paced, chaotic battles set across dynamic stages, players engage in intense multiplayer matches, utilizing a diverse array of attacks, combos, and special moves to knock opponents off the screen.

Praised for its tight controls, competitive depth, and enduring appeal, Melee has become a beloved classic in the esports community, captivating players with its blend of nostalgia and competitive excitement.

Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

With no previous arcade release, it was the first completely new Mortal Kombat fighting game made only for home systems. It is a follow-up to 1997’s Mortal Kombat 4, the fifth major entry in the Mortal Kombat series- and it was epic! The plot centres on the titular partnership between the sorcerers Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, as well as their plans to resurrect an antiquated army to subjugate Outworld and Earthrealm.

All these games represent a moment when gamers were experiencing what we now see as the norm, but for the time, were truly epic, innovative, and beautiful— albeit, looking back the visual and technical quality has developed over time (thank goodness).

As we experience a renaissance of sorts with the popularization of online gaming and game streaming, reminiscing on the games we grew up on, not to compare, but to appreciate their considerable impact on the current gaming landscape, seems appropriate.

…You just had to be there.


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