With the most recent announcement by the Prime Minister on the insignificant small shifting of the Cabinet, I am extremely disappointed not only as a citizen of this country but as a mother of 3 children attending different schools in Corporate Jamaica.
Why did the Prime Minister not remove Fayval Williams from Cabinet? The JLP has just lost the next general election.
I voted for the JLP consecutively for the last 2 elections because of the economic policies the PM has announced and implemented. However, the education system continues to FAIL our country! Why can’t the PM see it?
I watched Minister William’s presentation in Parliament recently, and I fell asleep. Where has she improved? What great results were announced? NONE, I tell you! The literacy level has gone down across the board, exam results are poor and post-pandemic student attendance is still falling. There are issues with teachers and their salaries, and Fayval is travelling for personal business. The teachers, school administrations, parents and even students are upset with the leadership of the MOEY. It is a disgrace.
You can tell from the many consultations and failed campaigns, Fayval is not decisive, she can’t make decisions and always looks sleepy. I’ve listened to her in Parliament and she is a complete yawn to be very frank.
The Education Ministry is failing and to add more to the disaster, the Prime Minister adds Marsha Smith as State Minister to the Ministry – a failing MP and a failing State Minister at the Ministry of Finance. God help us all for Jamaica.
I can appreciate that leaders have to make decisions for the greater good, but I am curious to know what good is there in keeping Fayval Williams at the Ministry of Education. This Ministry needs a strong, decisive and commanding Minister that will transform the Ministry 180 degrees.
Fayval Williams needs to resign from the Ministry of Education and Youth, and possibly focus on her constituency.