Do you ever think about the items in your car emergency kit? Do you have one? You should.
Having a car emergency kit is something that you should do even if you don’t have a lot of money. It’s one of the most important things that you can have in your car, especially if you have a family. You also need to take into consideration the ages of the people that ride in your vehicle most often.
Some people often consider packing their cars with beach chairs, extra clothes, reusable bags for grocery shopping, portable car chargers for their phone in the event that unexpected situations arise but what about a first aid kit, a tyre inflator, a fire extinguisher, a reflective safety vest or jumper cables?

Emergencies can happen at any time or in any place. Though you can’t truly be 100 per cent prepared for them, you can try your best to be ready. In doing so, preparation means having key items in a kit that will best serve you in an emergency while you’re on the road.
Bear in mind that a kit does not have to be a small case or bag. For your car, your kit will be much bigger than that.
Importance of having a car emergency kit
So many things could go wrong while you’re driving. You could get a flat tyre, run out of gas, or meet in a car accident. For those reasons and more, it is important to always be prepared for an emergency. By having a car emergency kit stocked with essential items, you will be better able to handle any situation that presents itself.

If you were stranded in the middle of nowhere, think of what items you could possibly need in your car emergency kit. If your car breaks down, you may need something to pass the time so something as simple as a deck of cards can really help out in a stressful situation while you are waiting for help during a car breakdown.
It is also important to consider weather conditions that you might encounter while driving. If its an extremely sunny day versus a rainy day, make sure that you have an umbrella, raincoat or water boots among other items. Access to sunscreen is often taken for granted and will probably be the last thing you consider to put in your kit. But it is important.
If you have children, you should also consider items such as barf bags/throw up bags, activity kits, and diaper supplies if you have babies or toddlers. These items may not save lives, but they will definitely provide sure can save your sanity when you are in a pinch or have a roadside emergency.

Ten important items for your car emergency kit
Naturally, the contents of a car emergency kit will differ depending on the car type and size as well as the person and their needs. However, the the more essential items should be standard. Here’s a list of those ten most important items every car emergency kit should have.
- Car charger for your cell phone
- A properly inflated spare tyre, wheel wrench, tripod jack, and a tow rope
- Jumper cables
- Windshield washer fluid and car engine coolant
- A functional and consistently inspected fire extinguisher
- A properly stocked First aid kit with contents such as gauze, tape, bandages, antibiotic ointment, aspirin, a blanket, nonlatex gloves, scissors, hydrocortisone, thermometer, tweezers and instant cold compress
- Rain coat and umbrella
- Reflective triangles and brightly colored cloth to make your vehicle more visible
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Reflective vest in case you need to walk to get help
Organise your car emergency kit
If your first concern is where you will store these emergency readiness items, invest in a sturdy trunk or car organiser that can easily fit all your supplies. This will help you keep things contained so they are not rolling all over your trunk. If you are short on space, you could also use an organiser that may be attached to your back seat. That way, things will stay looking neat and tidy.
You have to remember to consistently check and restock supplies such as the first aid kit or batteries, or even the windscreen wash or engine coolant.
This is the 14th article in the weekly series, ‘Car Care Tips’ where we highlight various aspects of a car, how to provide care and maintenance for optimal performance while ensuring safety. This series may feature your favourite mechanic or others from the motor vehicle industry.
Read the 13th installment : Car Care Tips | Lighten your keychain and check your ignition
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