Hussay or Hosay is an annual Muslim-predominant Indo-Caribbean festival still going strong in southern Clarendon. Behind the shadow of Christianity, however, folks in the other thirteen parishes seem oblivious to the tradition’s existence or significance.
The Clarendon communities of Gimme-Me-Bit, Race Course and Kemps Hill are the only places you can find Hussays being held.
Model mausoleums with multiple colours called tadjah, are styled like mosques and are utilized to showcase the symbolic aspect of this celebration. South Clarendon natives, however, refer to the structure as Hussay.
The Indo-Caribbean festival has been celebrated since the Martyrdom of Hussein (Hussain), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammed, his younger brother Janab Hazrat Abass (Hassan), and others. The Muslim brothers’ deaths are observed in Trinidad and Tobago, Jamaica, Guyana, and Suriname.

Though the festival’s origins are spiritual, in Jamaica the focus is not entirely on those aspects since the proper Islamic celebration would not include rum, the beating of goatskin drums, and parading on the street with the tadjah. One would think of a mini-carnival when you think of the Jamaican Hussay.
The male who builds the Tadjah cannot eat meat, or dairy or engage in sexual intercourse for 10 days while the Hussay is being observed. Folks from the community and all over Jamaica gather wherever the Tadjah is being displayed (usually at the maker’s residence) for typically nine days, taking part in the drinking of rum, enjoying the rhythmic beating of the drums and tassas with the chiming of symbols. On the final day of the celebration, this is amplified as the Tadjah is paraded along the streets for hours, while the participants dance, cheer and shout “Bolo Bolo” which has no literal meaning, but in the context of Hussay we can say it means “The people are drunk”.
David ‘Bobby’ Mahabeer from Gimme-Me-Bit, Clarendon has been carrying the mantle of building and parading the Hussay every year, usually during July or August.

Mahabeer learned how to build Hussay from his late father Cecil ‘Captain’ Mahabeer, and has been doing it for well over twenty years. Before, he, and his late brother, James ‘Muni’ Mahabeer would build the structure before James converted to Christianity.
When asked, Mahabeer stated that he is not a Christian or a Muslim, but he observed the ‘rules’ of building the Hussay, including following the moon chart.
“First-time Indian do it with meaning behind it, or if you want something to happen for you, you make a promise when building the Hussay,” said Mahabeer, “If you have someone sick or have some promise you want to make. If your wish or promise comes true.”
When asked how the Hussay is constructed and the tools and supplies needed, Bobby said, “We use all kinds of paper yuh know, about six different types.” He listed, “Cellophane, kite paper, cutting paper, cartridge paper and others.”
“We keep up with the tradition yearly,” He laughed, “It’s fun, but it’s a serious endeavour and you have to take it seriously once you are building it.”
Traditionally, the Hussay should be tossed in by 6 p.m. on the tenth day, however, in Clarendon it is ceremoniously carried to the closest river, where is tossed in by 12. The contents inside the Hussey are tossed in the river before six keeping with tradition. Mahabeer keeps the structure till midnight to keep the festivities going.
When asked what the contents inside the Mahabeer said that this was private, however, he did mention that one has to “Cut dirt”, where they go to get dirt from their preferred location and perform a ritual. Mahabeer did not get into the specifics of the ritual.

Mahabeer was asked whether the tradition has been passed down to the men in the family, especially since he is now 64 years old and would soon need to retire from it.
“They will stand with me, and they will always help, but I’ve never seen anyone try to learn it, they are not interested. It may die out in Gimme-me-Bit sooner or later, because it’s just me, the other neighbouring communities have a better chance,” he mused.
Mahabeer would like Hussay to become more commercialized in the sense that Jamaicans know about the event and come out to support it. Every year, the Hussay draws in hundreds of different races, religions, and ethnicities to the three communities to enjoy the festivities. However, Gimme-Me-Bit always has a substantial turnout compared to the others since its location is more central.

Drummers and supporters of Hussay try their best to attend all three every year in Kemps Hill, Gimme-Me-Bit and Race Course.
The Indian tradition is still going strong. Monetary support from small local sponsors (shops, wholesalers and bars) helps Mahabeer a ton with the construction. Mahabeer also noted that politicians will at times chip in. However, it is simply not enough since he often has to pay for the supplies himself. The Hussay brings a lot of business to the community and is also of great cultural significance.
“The government needs to do more to support the different cultures of Jamaica,” Mahabeer said.
His sentiment suggests he feels that Hussay is undervalued and underappreciated by the Ministry of Culture, and it needs the support of the country and the government to maintain and grow the traditional Indian event.