JAM | Mar 20, 2023

It’s National Vanessa Day!

Vanassa McKenzie

Vanassa McKenzie / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know anyone by the name of Vanessa? Of course you do. Vanessa is one of the most common names in the world. When we think about the name Vanessa, there are a few persons that immediately come to mind.

“For my independent ladies, na-na-na-na, na-na, na”. Yes, we have our very own dancehall singer, Vanessa Bling. And if you were a lover of the musical comedy, High School Musical, then you are familiar with the beautiful and talented Vanessa Hudgens who rose to fame playing the role of Gabriella Morris in the series.

But, have you ever wondered where the name Vanessa originated from? The name is said to have a British origin which means ‘butterfly’. It was coined by Anglo-Irish author Jonathon Swift in 1712 when he needed a name for a poem he was writing.

Swift skilfully used the first syllables of his lover Esther Vanhomrigh’s first and last name to coin the word, Vanessa.

Each year, National Vanessa Day is celebrated around the world on March 20, a day that brings awareness to the beautiful name and its rich history.

Five things to know about the name Vanessa

  • Vanessa was the 71st most popular name for girls born in the United States in 2007.
  • The name is said to have Greek origin which was derived from the ancient goddess, Phanessa.
  • The name is among the top 100 names for girls in Germany since 1976.
  • The name gained popularity from the 2006 musical comedy, High School Musical through American actress Vanessa Hudgens who played the role of Gabriela Morris.
  • The name was first written in a poem in 1733 by Jonathon Swift when he skilfully used the first syllables of his lover Esther Vanhomrigh’s first and last name to coin the word, Vanessa.


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