| Jun 5, 2023

PHOTOS | JN Group talks business in Mandeville

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Latoya Clarke (right), acting credit relations manager at JN Bank Small Business Loans, makes a presentation about the types of loans available from the division to attendees at the recently held JN Aspire Business Mingle at the Golf View Hotel in Mandeville. She’s joined on stage by Corinne Welds (left), sales lead for MC Systems and Jamar Howell (centre), sales manager for the Merchant Acquiring & Card Sales Unit at JN Bank. (Contributed)

The Jamaica National Group (JN Group), on May 25, hosted a JN Aspire Business Mingle event to optimise engagement with its members and business prospects in Jamaica’s central region.

The mingle in Mandeville focused on the financial institution’s JN Pay merchant solutions, JN Bank Small Business Loans, and MC Systems’ BizPay Central.

JN Aspire

JN Aspire targets entrepreneurs and business owners on a mission to grow their business. The events hosted by JN allow for engagement on the varied business solutions offered by the financial institution.

JN Bank has indicated that the overall aim of these events is to position JN as the brand of choice for accessing financial products and services.

The recently held event also sought to engage business associations, their members and entrepreneurs interested in accessing financial solutions, as well as ways in which business within Jamaica’s central region can be supported.

New payment solution with JN Pay

As it capitalises on its reputation of breaking down barriers for small businesses, JN Bank recently started to roll out new payment solutions for micro, small, and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs). In so doing, JN Bank hopes to further bolster these businesses.

The financial institution’s new point of sale terminals are said to be providing varied options to merchants to conveniently accept customer payments to boost their customer base and revenue intake.

Here are some images from the mingle:

Jamar Howell (centre), sales manager for the Merchant Acquiring & Card Sales Unit at JN Bank explains the capabilities of the new JN PAY POS payment solutions with Ricardo Gowdie (left), director of sales and marketing at travel company, G4 Escape and Rajine McIntosh (right), CEO at GENEX Electronic Security Solutions, at the JN Aspire Business Mingle held at the Golf View Hotel in Mandeville recently (May 25, 2023). (Contributed photo)

Damion Young (centre), CEO of Home Grown Produce, responds to Kimberly Gardener (right), JN Group Marketing Relations Officer, during a question-and-answer activity at the JN Aspire Business Mingle in Mandeville on May 25. Listening is Ms Sutanya Johnson, Public Relations Officer at Home Grown Produce. (Contributed photo)

Corinne Welds (left), sales lead for MC Systems, discusses services offered by the technology company with Simone Spence-Johnson, president of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, at the JN Aspire Business Mingle held at the Golf View Hotel in Mandeville recently (May 25, 2023). (Contributed photo)

Althea Morgan Larwood (left), a member of the Manchester Chamber of Commerce, is presented with a gift from Nathalie Sewell, client relations officer at JN Bank Small Business Loans, during the JN Aspire Business Mingle held at the Golf View Hotel in Mandeville on May 25, 2023. (Contributed photo)

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