Sport & Entertainment
JAM | Mar 24, 2025

Students march today in Peace Walk initiative on the eve of the ISSA Boys’ and Girls’ Champs

Howard Walker

Howard Walker / Our Today

Reading Time: 2 minutes
Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and Students for Transformation (SFT), walk on Monday, March 24, 2025, to promote peace and unity among schools participating in the track and field event. (Photo: Oraine Meikle, Our Today)

Students from five schools, Kingston College, Calabar High, Merl Grove High, Tarrant High School and St Andrew Technical High School (STATHS) marched today during the Champs Peace Walk that ended at Calabar High School on Red Hill Road.

With the ISSA Boys & Girls’ Championships “Champs”, set to run off on Tuesday, March 25, Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and Students for Transformation (SFT), promote peace and unity among schools participating in the track and field event.

The Champs event is highly competitive, and rivalries between schools have sometimes led to fights and other violent incidents.

Over the years, the violence amongst students from rival schools has subsided thanks to the campaign, which encourages students to handle conflicts peacefully and promotes positive interactions between students from different schools.

Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and Students for Transformation (SFT), pose during the Champs Peace Walk at Calabar High School on Monday, March 24, 2025, to promote peace and unity among schools participating in the track and field event. (Photo: Oraine Meikle, Our Today)

These campaigns include peace messages broadcast on airwaves and social media along with music videos, pep talk sessions with athletes and visits to schools in a student exchange during devotions.

The “Peace for Champs” initiative aims to address this issue by promoting positive interactions and conflict resolution among students.

Members of the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) and Students for Transformation (SFT), march as part of the Champs Peace Walk Initiative at Calabar High School on Monday, March 24, 2025, to promote peace and unity among schools participating in the track and field event. (Photo: Oraine Meikle, Our Today)

The initiative has been credited with fostering camaraderie among schools and reducing incidents of violence.


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