JAM | Mar 23, 2023

Use neem oil to achieve extreme hair growth

Mikala Johnson

Mikala Johnson / Our Today

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There are many individuals out there who have given up on growing long hair, simply because they think it’s just not possible.

But what if I should tell you, that it is possible, anyone can grow their hair to the desired length once they put in the necessary work and use the right products.

The secret to growing your hair is simple, it’s all about caring and nurturing your hair! Yes, that’s literally it, I told you it was pretty simple.

One of the best ways to care for your hair is to keep it moist and hydrated at all times. Now, you are probably wondering how and with what, right?

Well, that’s where today’s beauty tip comes in, neem oil is one of the most natural remedies that has been used for decades to treat hair in parts of the world.

Neem is one of the most widely used plants utilised in making cosmetics, soaps, shampoos and other household products.

The oil is extracted from the seeds and fruits of the neem tree, a tropical evergreen tree that’s native to India. Neem oil is a greenish-yellow liquid with a bitter taste and garlic like smell.

Using neem oil on your hair will help take your hair to new heights or in this case new lengths.

The reality is, adding neem oil to your carrier oil enhances the capabilities of those oils and helps in making hair long, dense, and strong.

Neem oil is filled with antioxidants which offers various health benefits for your hair. Here are some surprising benefits of neem oil for Hair.

Conditions your hair

The fatty acids present in neem oil help in nourishing the hair, thereby it them soft and lustrous. It also hydrates and repairs dry and damaged hair.

Help fight against dandruff

Neem oil is a fantastic hydrator and can help to moisturise a dry, flaky scalp.

Dandruff, which is usually a culprit behind flaky scalp, is mainly caused by a fungal microbe called malassezia globosa, which feeds on the fatty acids your scalp naturally produces.

It is what causes itchiness and sometimes hair loss. To treat this hair condition, you can use neem oil. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties help in clearing dandruff.

Promotes hair growth

Regularly massaging neem oil into your scalp can help stimulate the follicles responsible for hair growth.

Neem oil promotes hair growth by cleansing the scalp and stimulating hair follicles. This is further useful in avoiding breakage and thinning of hair.

Neem oil intensifies the soothing properties of carrier oils and fosters hair growth. The combination helps in moisturising and nourishing your hair, thereby making it soft, dark, and long.

The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties present in neem oil play a vital role in stimulating hair growth.

If you’re interested in adding neem oil to your hair treatment you can reap its benefit by making your own hair growth recipe.

Here’s what you will need.

  • Neem Oil
  • Castor Oil (or any other carrier oil)
  • Rosemary Essential Oil

Once you have all the ingredients, take a bowl and combine three tablespoons of castor oil, two tablespoons of neem oil, and one tablespoon of rosemary oil and blend the mixture well.

Andy there you have it, your DIY hair mask is ready!


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