| Jun 7, 2023

More revenues than projected for GOJ in April

/ Our Today

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External view of the St Andrew Revenue Service Centre along Constant Spring Road in the parish. (Photo: Bernardo for

Durrant Pate/Contributor

The Government of Jamaica (GOJ) has collected J$3.34 billion more than projected for the month of April, amounting to J$60.27 billion in total collections.

This represents an increase of approximately 18.5 per cent relative to the J$50.87 billion recorded for the corresponding period in 2022. ‘Capital Revenue’ recorded nil during the period in accordance with the budget.

Conversely, ‘Bauxite Levy’ amounted to nil relative to the budgeted amount of J$105.8 million. ‘Grants’ closed the period at J$138.5 million, which is J$748.7 million less than the budgeted amount.

‘Tax Revenue’ closed the period at J$57.70 billion, which is J$3.80 billion more than the budgeted amount. ‘Non-Tax Revenue’ of J$2.43 billion was reported, which is 19.3 per cent higher than budgeted.

Expenditure programme

Total expenditure for April 2023 amounted to J$78.42 billion, which is J$4.41 billion less than the budgeted amount of J$82.82 billion. Recurrent expenditure amounted to J$71.85 billion, accounted for 92 per cent of overall expenditures.

Under the recurrent expenditure categories for the review period, all categories were below the budgeted amount. ‘Interest’ totalled J$13.77 billion, which is J$250.7 million below budget.

‘Programmes’ amounted to J$20.98 billion, which is J$3.38 billion below the budget. ‘Compensation of Employees’ tallied J$37.10 billion, which is J$297.5 million below the budgeted amount of J$37.40 billion.

‘Wages & Salaries’ totalled J$33.88 billion, representing J$163.4 million below the budgeted amount of J$34.04 billion. ‘Employee Contribution’ tallied J$3.23 billion, which is J$134.1 million below the budgeted amount of J$3.36 billion.

The ‘Fiscal Deficit’ was J$18.15 billion, relative to a ‘Projected Deficit’ of J$25.89 billion. Additionally, the ‘Primary Deficit Balance’ for the period amounted to J$4.38 billion, relative to the ‘Budgeted Primary Deficit Balance’ of J$11.88 billion.


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